Mystery Asshat

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Luca's POV

It's been 4 weeks, 4 fucking weeks. The kids not even mine and I'm going crazy. I miss his curly brown locks and cute little smiles. His small giggles brightened the house, even if he was only here for 4 days. I mean, I taught the kid how to smirk, that's a real relationship there.

Helena will only talk to me at night when she is sitting out on the balcony. The rest of the day she keeps a emotional façade, pretending to be okay, shutting everyone out. She is on edge, put 10 of my men in the hospital in the past week. 43 in the 4 weeks Miles has been gone, missing, taken.

There has been many of long nights where Elena has just broken down crying in my arms. She'd fall asleep like that and apologize the next day. I'd explain every time that she didn't need to apologize.

Her nightmares have gotten way worse. They started less often, maybe once a week, to one every night. If I didn't sleep in the same bed with her she didn't even sleep a wink, but to be honest, neither did I.

So when I woke up at 2 am, wiping the tears off of Elena's face, it wasn't anything new or shocking. I held her shaking body, mumbling sweet nothings into her hair. Her sobs subsided and her breathe evened. She must be asleep.

I quickly and quietly laid her back down on the bed and got out. I threw on a pair of sweatpants and walked out of the bedroom.

Miles POV

I've been staying with one of my moms friends. Her name Amanda, she's really nice. She said the reason they had to make me fall asleep when they took me was because Luca was a bad guy. He was keeping momma there against her will and they could only get me out, but that's what she would want. At least that's what Amanda said.

"Miles sweetie, come down, its lunch time," George calls from down stairs. He's Amanda husband. There really in love, you can see it in there eyes. He kind of reminds me of someone I met before, but I don't really remember.

"Okay," I yell back, crawling off the twin sized bed, in the room they gave to me. The walls a dark blue, which a personally hate. Dark colors bring down my mood, and I don't like that. George said he can take me to the mall today to get paint. I'm so excited, I'm choosing light gray. I am keeping the ceiling dark blue though, so I can put light up stars to stare at. They remind me of mommy, she use to sing me 'Dormi Dormi' well I stared up at the stars on my ceiling.

I hope mommy is safe.

I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen smiling at Amanda and George. The smiled back and we waited calmly for the maids to bring us lunch. A girl came out, with a scared face.

I don't know why she's scared, Amanda and George are nice.

Her hands shook as she brought the plate of food to me. I gave her a kind smile and she gave me a small one placing my plate in front of me and walking towards George. I looked down at my food and back up just in enough time to witness the plate fall to the floor. The crash wiped the smile clean off both the adults faces in the room and in one swift movement, George's hand swiped clean across the young maids cheek.

Everything in me screamed for me to cry and run, but something held my body in my seat. It was a memory, not of this moment but of something similar. It was what I always dreamed about.

The guy looked like George but younger, way younger. He had sat me in a room in front of a TV. On the screen he had slapped my mommy and she was just sitting there. No emotion was on her face, as he and two other people kept hitting and kicking her. She didn't cry. Then someone grabbed my shoulder, that when I woke up. But this time I remembered, this time I saw who grabbed me. It was George.

I snapped out of my daze and zipped to the ground in front of the young maid. I gave her a small smile and took her hand in mine.

"You should go put some ice on your cheek signora, I'm sorry," I said kissing her hand and standing up, motioning for her to do the same. She gives me a small smile and stands up.

"I'm sorry sir," She says to dickwad George. He nods and motions for her to exit the room which she obliges to.

"Alright bubba, how bout we get to the mall?" He questions. I nod.

"Yes please, just let me go grab my jacket," I say already walking away.


Elena's POV

"Helena, there is absolutely nothing you can do but take care of yourself," Cameron says, shoving me out of the computer room.

"I have to help, I can't just sit around and do nothing,"

"Go sleep, eat, shop!" he says desperately.

"Shopping sounds fun. I'll go with you," Luca says, coming up behind me. I was about to argue but I look at my friends desperate faces. Cameron who just looks tired. Loki who looks so crushed and exhausted. Adeem and Alexander who look depressed without there sunshine. Hudson who look lost and wounded with both the kidnapping of Miles and my reaction. All there pleading eyes make me nod my head and give them a small forced smile.

I know they are just worried about me.

I left to my room and changed into a pair of baby blue skinny jeans and a white sweatshirt. I left my brunette hair in its natural wavy state and didn't bother with my makeup. Adeem and Alex decided to come so they followed me and Luca out of the house and into Luca's car. The boys jammed out to ACDC the whole ride well I sat silently.

Once we arrived at the mall I jumped out of Luca's car, and walked away, not bothering with those three arguing about whether a hot dog is a sandwich or not.

"Yo, Elena?" Adeem asks. I turn to look at him, raising one of my eyebrows.

"Hotdog or sandwich?"

"Taco," I say, winking, turning back around, only to run into someone.

"Oh my, I am so sorry," I say. I look up and my eyes meet with harsh green ones. I stares intently at him well he looks shocked then smirks. He grips my arms forcefully and pulls me into him. I don't even flinch when his warm breath touches my ear.

"Walk with me, cause a scene and you dies," he whispers.

"Your causing a bigger one by holding me like a mad man," I whisper snap back. He pushes me forward but I catch myself from falling. Adeem gives me a look and notices the man, and/or his gun. He was about to tackle the man but I gave him a harsh look and he backed down, following from afar.

Mystery Asshat kept nudging me forward. His thick Italian accent rolling off his toungue as he urged me forward with his words. I don't have any main enemies that know who I even am, so this guy has so be either part of the house fire and shoot out or Miles kidnapping.

"You know, you are the Italian Mafia, yet your bff makes it so obvious when he follows me," before I can register his words, 3 gunshots go off. The room fills with screams well I beat the shit out of the guy before getting pulled off by Luca.

"Shit no, Adeem," I scream, running over to one of my bestfriends body, that lies on the ground. I fell to my knees as the blood from a gun shot wound to his stomach soaked up threw my jeans as Adeem coughed violently.

I pressed my shaky hands against the 2 bullet wounds as a tear made its way down my cheek, slowly.

"Hey, okay, um, wow," I say shakily, forcing a small smile. "Okay, it okay, just focus on my voice, just breathe," I say. He tries calming his breathing to not cough which worked, and you could tell by the rapid blood loss that he only had about 60 seconds before he bled out completely.

"El," he croaks out. More tears fall down my face.

"Yeah, yes," I nod giving him a sad smile, cause we both know, even if they stopped the bleeding now, internal damage was already done.

"Ca-n you te-ell Loki I l-love her?" he questions, barley getting the words out. I nod, swiping his messy hair out of his face, before kissing his forehead.

"I love you Adeem," I say before standing up, and knocking out the police officer who started asking to much questions.

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