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Elena's POV

Leaning my head against the cool hospital wall, my thoughts running wild.

My fingers fiddled with the black bracelet in my hands, a warm tear falling down my cheek.

This was the first time in a long time I aloud myself to cry in public.

Luca wouldn't talk to me, he felt it was his fault, felt that I would blame him.

And in truth, it would be easy to, but I wouldn't.

I knew why Cameron was dead, but it was hard to stomach.

My best friend, the women I trusted with my kids safety, my safety, betrayed me.


The people who helped pull her out of the gutter and make a life for her.

We had a mole, and I knew whoever it was, was close to me, but Loki was not the one I would have thought.

But it makes since, the trip to Mulan when the house was invaded and burned down.

The insider knowledge on my schedule.

The attitude changes.

The lack of interest for my wedding.

I should have known that it was her, but when your looking at everyone but certain people, you won't notice those small things.

Cameron died saving Luca.

My husband.

He died by a bullet from one of his supposed best friends.

What is okay with that?

What good comes from that?

His last words were 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you'.

He apologized for being shot.

Who does that?

A small bundle of brown curls runs to me, hopping onto my lap.

Sending Miles a small smile, I tuck a piece of hair behind his ear, "Hey buddy," I mumble, pulling him into a hug, discreetly placing the bracelet in my pocket. 

Pulling back, he sends me a small smile, "Where's Luca and Uncle Cam?" he asks in a small voice.

Swallowing the growing lump in my throat, I force a smile on my face, "Uh, Luca is getting some lunch," I lie, "And um, Cam" I cut myself off, coughing slightly, "He uh, he," I stop myself, not really knowing what to say.

"He passed away," Luca clearly states, coming up behind him.

Knowing it was the right thing to do, tell it straight to him, I send Luca a thankful smile.

"Cam passed away honey, do you know what that means?" I ask, rubbing my hand up and down his back. 

He nods, "Like when Adeem passed away. He died right?" he asks, his eyes growing slightly watery.

Sending him a small smile I pull him into me, "Ya baby, I'm sorry" I mumble into his hair.

We sat silently together, Miles crying silent tears into my shoulder.

After about 5 minutes he pulls away.

Setting him on the floor, I pull Cameron's black bracelet from my pocket.

I motion Miles to lay out his arm, and he does, "This was Cameron's" I inform him, "It was one of the very few important things to him,"

He nods, "What else?" he asks.

Scrunching my eyebrows together, I make a hmm sound.

"What else was important to him?" he asks innocently.

Wiping a tear from my cheek, I tighten the bracelet around his small wrist, "You." I pause, "Me."

I breath out slowly, taking his hands in mine, "This family. He loved us very much and he always will, but that bracelet, it meant a lot to him, and I know, deep down in the bottom of my heart, he would want you to have it," I tell him, earning a nod.

Standing up, I hold Miles hand, all three of us walking out of the hospital together.


Miles was asleep so me and Luca sat alone in the living room drinking wine.

Turning to Luca, I sigh, "You know it wasn't your fault right?" I ask him, earning silence in response.

Setting down my wine on the coffee table, I take Luca's from his hands, "When I told Miles that Cameron died, I told him he was one of the important things to Cameron, I also said I was one of them. That's the truth," I speak calmly.

"Cameron knew me like the back of his hand. He knew that no matter what, I loved him and I loved you. He knew I would never admit that and that if you died right there, I would tear myself apart for the rest of my life for not admitting it to you," I proclaim, "Cameron knew what he was doing when he jumped in front of you, but he would never want you to fall victim to the guilt of that action, he was way to loyal for that."

Luca sighs, pulling me into him, "He was a good man," he states earning a smile from me.

"Ya," I mumble, "Ya he was, and a loyal man, he barely trusted anyone, but he trusted you. He knew I would be safe with you, that Miles would be safe with you, that is why he took that bullet and I swear to god if you let him down," I trail off causing him to laugh.

Shaking his head, he kisses my shoulder, "I wouldn't dare."

Snuggling further into his side, I let myself be vulnerable for once.

I knew I could trust Luca.

He was my husband after all.

Repositioning himself, he looks down at me, "I love you to, you know that right?" he asks, catching me off guard.

Staring into his gray eyes, I nod, "I was hoping," I admit.

He laughs again, "Well now you know. I love you Helena Torres, no matter what,"

"And I you, Luca Blanks Torres, and I you,"

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