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Luca's POV

"Nothing, how can there be nothing!" Elena demands. I shake my head well Cameron tries to reason with her.

"They must have known we were coming, that or they had a escape plan ready to go in seconds flat." He says.

"At least now we know who took him," Loki points out.

"It doesn't make it any better, he's still gone," Elena points out, glaring at her.

"I know, but you still have a mafia to run, he's making you weak," Loki says, crossing her arms.

"Like you would know, I understand that because you have this unspoken rule that you can't love someone without the whole world ending, doesn't mean that when someone loves you, you turn your backs on them. Here is a quick lesson, when you love someone, it doesn't make you weak, it makes you stronger because you want to fight for them. So go shove your fake self up a elephants anus well the rest of us try to find the kid we love" Cameron says, slamming his fist on the table.

Loki rolls her eyes and walks out of the room.

"You know Loki is right boss, your slacking," some chump says. I give him the death glare and his eyes widen.

"Sorry, my mouth has a mind of its own," he claims. I glare at him harder before flipping him off then looking at my hand exasperated.

"Oh sorry, my hand has a mind of its own," I say, earning a chuckle from Andrew and Hudson.

"Okay, okay, children, can we act are age for two seconds and remember there is still a 3 year old out there," Elena points out.

The room go's silent, no one daring to talk.

"So what do you think happened?" I ask.

There's a pause before Elena responds.

"Well, my theory is that George didn't know when we would come, but knew it would happen and soon, so had some sort of 'safe room' which would actually be a room in which they would all meet to take Miles to another location. He knew Miles has anxiety attacks over loud noises and potential situation that can get love ones killed so he used that to his potential, that and just a bit higher carbon dioxide in the air can cause him to pass out, making it easier for them all to escape unnoticed or with help of someone on the inside." Elena says.

"Okay, so do we have security tapes?" I ask.

"No, we had disable them so they wouldn't know we were coming, but when we went to look back on the tapes, someone shot them out," Hudson says. He then turns to Elena, giving her a look.

"Ya, go ahead, we got everything covered here, take Mathew with you for backup," she says, smiling. He nods, giving her a quick hug, before exiting the meeting room.

Everyone left after that, besides me. I looked at Elena and sighed.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

"I just don't get it, Noah's parents despised me because I was involved in the Mafia, and little did they know he was involved in a gang." she says, sitting down, looking out the window.

I take the seat next to her, on the couch, starring out the window.

"It annoys me, because people think they know everything about us, about me," she pauses, "They think that people like us, we just do this for attention, for fun, for the hell of it. To be announced as 'gangsters' or 'criminals' for our 15 minutes of fame." she scoffs.

"But how can they say that if they don't even know us. If they don't know are story, why were here, why we chose this life. How can they say we are bad when everything we do is for the good. And maybe not the good of them, but for our own families. We do what they do, we provide, just in different ways, this is how we survive, this is how our families survive, this is my family" she says, leaning her head on my shoulder.

I was about to respond but her even breathing told me she fell asleep.

I look out into the sky, watching the setting sun. The sky painted with oranges and yellows, slight hues of pinks and purples hidden beneath the clouds of very tiny ice crystals or water droplets.

I felt my own eyes get heavy as I kissed her forehead, before laying her down completely on the couch, and standing up to do work.


I stared at the scene in front of me and all I felt was hatred.

I have never felt so betrayed in my life.

I don't even know why I care so much, we were never a thing, but I just can't help it.

Her arms wrapped around him so snuggly, a small blissful smile on her face.

She held onto him for dear life, like he was her life line.

That fucking bastard.

Let me just rewind a bit.

I walked out of my office to on a call for about 45 minutes, and I walk back in to a heartbreaking scene.

My snuggle buddy, has replaced ME, with a PILLOW, that right folks, a FUCKING PILLOW!!!!

And she looks so happy, like that pillow's her life.

I've had that pillow for 4 years, his name is Bennet, and as soon as she wakes up, he is going to the dumpster.

Like what happened to bro-code?

"Yo, whats with the long face?" Dash asks me. I shake my head and point towards the tragi sty. He lets out a chuckle and looks ack at me.

"Your jealous of a pillow?" he questions. I let out a growl.

"He stole my snuggle buddy," I whined.

"Yo, what's up with your face?" Kyle asks, walking in. I grunt, glaring at him. He looks at the couch and smirks.

"Well call me Sherlock Holmes because I just figured it out," he says looking at Dash, like he just figured out the biggest secret.

"He's jealous because Bennet made a move first, and, I mean, just look how happy she looks," Kyle stage-whispers.

Before I could respond, Keen's running in the room, face frantic, starring right at me.

"Hudson and Mathew got in a car accident," he says.

I jump up from my seat alarmed.

"Hospital?" Dash demands. Keen looks down then back up.

"They both died on impact,"

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