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We get to the drive in, and start toward the seating area. To my surprise, there's two little lady socs sitting there. Cherry And Marcia. I know them from school.

"Ah, man.." I hear Pony mumble from the side of me when we begin to find our seats.

"What's your problem?" I ask him quietly.

"Oh, nothin. I uh- I've just liked Valance here for awhile, she's not very fond of me though." He says pointing toward Cherry.

Pony is the only person I'd expect to genuinely have a crush on a soc. Gosh, the whole Curtis family could be soc's. They probably would be if it wasn't for the gang and their lack of money.

Dallas sits at the end of the chairs to my right, with Pony to my left and Johnny next to him.

"Hey," Dallas says and leans up to Cherry's ear. "Are you a reaal red head?" He asks flirtatiously. All she does is ignore him, making Dallas want more.

"How can I find out this is your real red hair?" He starts to point his finger down toward her crotch "is this the same red hair you have here on your-" he smirks and puts his finger toward her face "here on these eyebrows?"

She scoffs, showing she's annoyed. He sits back and laughs, leaning into me.

"Ya think she digs me?" He asks loud enough for her to hear. He smirks again and puts his feet on her chair.

Why is he trying so hard? Always for the people that wont ever care for him. Though, I don't know if he's capable of truly caring for anyone but Johnny. I sure hope he is.

"Get your feet off my chair, Winston!" Cherry says firmly to him. He laughs and leans forward again.

"Could I- interest you in a coke? Maybe a-" he tries to tease but she cuts him off.

"Get lost hood! Can't you be nice and just leave us alone?!" She shouts this time and we're shushed by the other people in the drive in.

He sits back again and says "I'm never nice." And then gets up and heads toward the snack area. I decide to go with him.

"Wait up Dal," I say as I walk over to him as quickly as I can. He's much taller than me, which means his legs are longer than mine so he's able to walk faster than I can.

"Don't you think you could give the girl a break?" I say without thinking of how that could piss him off. We're already in the place to get snacks, and he just glares at me.

"What'd you just say to me?"

I get scared, and tell him just to forget it. I decide to buy the drinks for all of us, including the one he wants to get for Valance.

We make our way back over to our seats but this time he sits next to Cherry and offers her the coke.
"Thought you could have this to cool you down" He says handing her the drink. She takes it and throws it in his face.

"How about you cool down you no good hood!" She says and I watch Dallas storm off. Instead of just me, Pony and Johnny also follow him.

I tell the boys they should probably go home for it's late, and that I'll deal with Dallas.

One Wish | Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now