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it's now tuesday, 9:35am. one thing led to another last night. i don't regret it. i'm glad it happened. i wouldn't have wanted anyone else being my first time.

dallas is still asleep. i should be going to the curtis house to do the usual morning routine, but i don't think i will today.

i look at dallas, who's sprawled out on my bed. he doesn't look so tough when he's asleep.

i sit up as quietly and carefully as i can. assuming i succeeded, i begin to stand up before an arm is wrapped around my waist pulling me back down.

"dallas," i whisper shout.

"just lay here for a few more minutes with me" he mumbles, burying his head into my neck.

"i will, i just gotta make a quick call to dare. i'll be right back, i promise" i get up and gently kiss his forehead. before opening my bedroom door, i look back at him one more time and feel a smile grow on my face.

my legs are sore, considering that last night was my first time. though i think i'll be alright.

as i walk down the hallway i think about how i should probably see the gang sometime today and tell them about my plans on dropping out.

i know darry won't want me to, but he's not the one takin care of me. i know all he wants is the best but this is my decision.

i make it to the cellphone and dial the curtis' house phone number. i wait while it rings.


"hey dare, it's madison-"

"gods sake jones! we were worried sick!" darry yells through the phone.

"i'm sorry..i'm just really sore today i- i'm..having bad cramps. i should've called earlier but it was difficult to get out of bed" i lie, not planning on telling them about me and dallas.

"alright, hope ya feel better kid" darry says and hangs up. i put the phone back onto the wall and walk back down the hallway to my room.

i shut my door and crawl back into bed. dallas throws his arms around me and pulls me closer to him, my back against his chest.

we sit there for a moment, i listen to dallas' slowed breathing. he seems so peaceful.

i turn to lay on back "dallas," he groans in response. "are we gonna tell the gang..yknow..about us?" i ask.

he props up his elbow and rests his head on his hand "do you want them to know?"

i think about that for a moment. it wouldn't be a bad thing, but i also feel like it'd be weird. maybe they'd think lower of me to be in love with someone like dallas.

i don't mean that in any offense, they don't know him like i do. they haven't seen this sweet, caring side of him. all they think of him is trouble.

"i don't know yet" i respond with a sigh. he puts his hand in mine and squeezes.

"that's fine, we can wait. i'm not worried about it" he says.

i smile. i wish he would act like this more. "okay, thank you."

i tell him that i think we should get up and get ready for the day. he complains for a few until he finally gives in.

my mom probably stayed with some guy like usual. i wish we were closer, but she's gone through a lot. i know she loves me, and i love her, i just don't think she was ever ready to be a mom.

i tell dallas he can use my shower if he'd like. i walk into the kitchen and begin making some breakfast. i have eggs and toast at the curtis household a lot, and on weekends when i'm here i usually have cereal.

i decided to try and cook something different up. i look through our cupboards and found some pancake batter. i read the directions and do as told, making enough for dallas and i.

i decided to make them extra special and put some chocolate chips i found in them. hopefully they aren't too old.

i layer them on a big plate, grab two normal size plates for dallas and i, grab two butter knifes and forks from the drawers, and 2 cups for something to drink.

i set all the silverware on the table, and went to the fridge to grab the butter, syrup, milk and orange juice.

dallas is a big milk drinker, but i prefer orange juice. i set all of it down on the table.

man, this boy takes long showers.

for the last remaining minutes, i go back to my room and hurry to get dressed. right as i finished dallas walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"ah, i missed the show?" he teases. i chuckle and shove his shoulder.

i walk out of the room to leave him to get dressed and sit down at the table and wait for him.

he finally comes out, wearing the same thing he was wearing before since he didn't bring any clothes.

i tell him he should go home and find something to wear after we're done. we sit and eat while talking about what we can do today.

One Wish | Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now