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I wake up with a pounding headache and dry throat. I don't remember where I am, but it's nice and cozy.

"Mornin, doll" I hear a voice say.

"Dallas?" I try to ask with a scratchy voice. I sit up and see him standing near his dresser. My head spins at the movement.

He walks over to me and puts his hand on my head "shhh, lay back down. Let me go get you some water." And with that he leaves downstairs. I ignore what he tells me, and I start to try and get up which just turns into a failed attempt and sends me falling back down to the bed.

I don't remember anything from last night after the movie...why am I here? I didn't have sex with him did I? God I sure hope not, i wouldn't have been sober enough to properly consent. I don't remember.

I hear him coming back up the stairs and I quickly lay down throwing the blanket over my body.

He opens the door and hands me the cup of water, helping me drink it.
"How you feel? Do you remember anything?" He asks me.

"No," I say putting the glass down "and that's the thing. We didn't do anything did we?"

He blows air out of his nose and looks down "no, you got too drunk and I didn't want you to go home like this so I just had you sleep here."

I feel butterflies in my stomach. Who knew Dallas Winston could be so caring and gentle. "Did I say anything stupid? I-" I ask sitting up but he hushes me.

"No, you just went to sleep. Listen I'd love for you to stay longer but I got work today so I'll take you home." He says standing up and reaching out his hand to help me up.

I feel my face turn red. I grab his hand and slowly get up being careful of my headache. He points to my clothes in the corner and leaves the room for me to get dressed.

I take off his shirt and fold it, placing it on top of his dresser because I'm not sure if he wants it back in his drawers or not. I put on my shirt and jeans and head out to see Dallas standing outside of the door.

He helps me down the stairs so that I don't fall, and then we go outside and hop in his car.

"Do you know what time it is?" I ask looking his way.
"10:00." He replies back.

Shit, I stayed there for a long time. It's been awhile since I've slept in that late, but thankfully today is Saturday so I didn't need to go wake up the boys for school.

Though this probably means their still sleeping, except for Darrel. He should be back at work by now. I hope he got some rest last night.

We pull up to my house, I thank him and get out of the car. He waits til I get to my door making sure I'm not locked out. I open it and before going in I smile and wave goodbye to him. He does the same back.

One Wish | Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now