Otome Game?!

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5 years have passed since Morgianna was born into this world.

At that time her mother was true to her word and had her father get her a private teacher. Though it was almost useless as they still did not teach her very many things she did not already know.

On top of her normal lessons she had resumed her martial arts after much begging and pleading on her part towards her mother. Her father however was proud that she would want to be strong and defend herself.

Her mother felt that she should behave more ladylike. She feared she would scare away any potential suitors if they saw her in her pants and tunic, hair pulled into a tight bun. She was a beautiful girl even at her young age, if only she acted like, well a girl.

With each day Morgianna felt like she was in a never-ending state of deja vu, she just could not place why. That is until her father brought her to his office to discuss marriage proposals.

Though she knew the world was not exactly modern by her standards she had not thought they still practiced arranged marriage.

Sitting before her father's large oak desk while he explained that several nobles had sent requests for her hand in marriage to their sons she felt uneasy. Her father looked quite displeased, and her mother, she just looked excited. Probably thinking of how her daughter will not grow to be an unwed spinster.

"I know you are still many years from marrying, and you have not even been through your public debut and magic testing, but we have to at least give these lords some form of response." Her mother pleaded with her eyes, hoping to see hearts in her daughters future.

Clearing her throat Morgianna did not mince her words and got straight to the point. "I know you wish to one day see me wed, and I shall do just that. However, at the age that I am now I do not feel that I could make such an important decision. If it shall please you then after my public debut I shall attempt to get to know my suitors and if one shall catch my eye we shall go from there."

Though she spoke the words Morgianna felt bile rise in the back of her throat. At the thought of courting any boy, especially since they would be children she felt gross. She may be in the body of a child herself, but mentally she was a grown woman. She would keep her word and meet the suitors but she would not try to get them to like her.

Her mother seemed to be deep in thought before a look flashed in her eyes too quickly for Morgianna to decipher it.

"I would not want to make my daughter unhappy. How about we at least give you the information on them so that you could at least know a little about them before you meet them in 6 months for your party." Her mother smiled, but it was one of mischief and ulterior motives. Morgianna could see that her mother was hoping she would like what she saw in the folder.

Reaching her small white hand out to receive the folder she was surprised when her father's much larger one picked it up first.

"I know you wish to wait and we will respect that as much as we can, but know a lot of these families hold power equal if not more than we do. We cannot afford to be rash or rude." She could tell her father was worried, but nevertheless he still handed over the folder with a bit of reluctance.

"If that is all I shall retire to my room." Morgianna stood and gave a small curtsey before leaving her parents to most likely discuss how they will go about planning her future.

Walking through the halls absentmindedly she arrived at her bedroom in less time than she thought. She was curious to know who was in the folder, especially if they made her father who is extremely powerful feel nervous.

Opening the folder she found that each person had sent a letter attached with a short bio and a picture of her intended suitor. She couldn't help the unladylike snort that escaped her lips thinking of these people trying to essentially sell their children.

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