12th Birthday Party

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For hours she sat with the maids while they turned her into a living doll. Her mood had not improved and instead gradually grew worse as she watched the time tick down to when people would start to arrive.

Her dress was something she would imagine girls wearing to prom, once again something she had never bothered doing, was long and red. There were roses that looked as if they grew up from the bottom, their thorns black and beautiful. She couldn't help but do a little twirl in front of a mirror causing the skirt to swish around her legs.

 She couldn't help but do a little twirl in front of a mirror causing the skirt to swish around her legs

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She had not seen the dress before today but she assumed it was bought specifically for this occasion. Everyone knew her infatuation with the color red, so it would not be so far a stretch to assume that would be the color she would wear tonight. Her mother had long since given up on trying to force her into any outfit she did not wish to wear.

Sophia had returned to her side a couple of hours before the party was to begin and found herself on the receiving end of Morgiannas glare.

"You knew." Those two words were not a question, simply a statement.

At that moment Sophia would have been happy for anything to get her out of that room. "Well you see... I knew you would be displeased and I just wanted you to be happy if only for a little longer for your birthday..." Her head was tilted to the floor so she did not see the softening of Morgiannas eyes.

As she was already ready and there was still an hour until the party Morgianna decided to slip out into the forest for old times sake. It seemed to be a habit of hers to escape the castle walls a few hours before any gathering. There was just something about the freedom of the moment that helped her tolerate the suffocating atmosphere that would follow it. 

She knew Fafnir was getting wise to her sneaking out of the secret passage so she decided on the next best thing, flying. She was really good at it now, her air being the easiest of her attributes to control she could probably stop walking completely and just levitate herself everywhere she wanted to go.  Except that would draw too much attention and she did not need that.

Watching the ground from her window she saw that Fafnir had indeed up the guards, specifically in the location of the passage. She smirked watching how they all would take glances in the direction she normally would have traveled.

When the coast was as clear as it was going to get she launched out her window and shot across the sky. She had slipped out of her dress and stashed it in her storage for easy access and pulled on black tights and a grey tunic. Red may be her color, but she knew a red dress fluttering across the sky would be a dead giveaway and quite easily spotted.

Not hearing any shouts of alarm she smiled and decided to land just outside of the wall. The walk was part of the process of relaxing herself and she knew tonight more than many of the others would be a taxing experience.

She headed towards the spot she had practically claimed in all her trips out, a spot where she hoped to see a black wolf. As she was nearing the location she felt the presence of another, it felt similar and different at the same time but she could not out her finger on it.

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