Little Red

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The town they arrived in was large, full of different stalls and markets. Some selling tonics that supposedly made one more beautiful. Places claiming to cure any sickness or disease a person may have, and there were places selling every food a person could imagine.

Morgianna knew they would need to change their attire before heading to the guild. She had the driver stop in one of the busiest parts of the town. The number of people present would make it easier for them to slip by undetected.

After leaving the carriage they slipped through the crowd looking for a hotel to change in. It would be different than the one they would sleep in as keeping their identities secret was of utmost importance.

With such a large town the number of inns was no small number. Seeing a sign for "cheap" lodging they looked to each other and headed in that direction. The door read "The Sleeping Giant" its wood chipped and worn but still discernable.

Walking through the door a small bell chimed letting the lady behind the counter know a guest had arrived. She was tall for a woman, or rather tall in general. She stood easily 7 foot tall with mousey brown hair. Her height did not make her less attractive, but she had a common beauty, if she were of normal height she would blend into the crowd.

Seeing her height anyone could tell she was of giant blood even if not a full blood. Morgianna could see where the inn got its name.

Walking up to the counter with all the grace of the world Morgianna stared up at the giant of a woman and in her most pleasant voice, "Please if there is a room available I would like to rent it for my guard and me."

The lady looked down seeing such a small girl who could hardly be 3 and a half foot in height. She could see the girl was dressed nicely and even the man behind her was in fine clothes. At the mention of a guard she knew that the lady was a noble. "Young miss, we have only one room available and I'm afraid it is not suited for one such as yourself."

"Any room is fine, I really wish to stay here." Morgianna batted her eyes. She felt like lately, she did it excessively but if it helped the cause she would bat them until it no longer worked.

Fafnir watched from the sides, as a prince he would normally never even enter an establishment such as this. He knew they needed a low profile, and as they would not actually sleep here he couldn't complain.

"The room is too small for a noble lady, and there is no room for your guard... "

Morgianna could not help but start to feel impatient. Turning to Fafnir she held out a hand indicating for her bag to be passed to her. She reaches into the side pulling out 2 silver coins. She knew that by the appearance of the place it wouldn't even cost one to sleep here for the night. She turned and faced the lady putting both coins on the counter between them.

"I am willing to pay this much for that one room. Please rent it to me." She could see the woman about to refuse once again so quickly continued. "Before you say no again, I know this is more than what the room costs, I also know you could use this money for repairs. I will take the room in whatever condition it is, please."

The woman was having a battle in her mind, it is true that they could use that money. With all the newer places that had opened in recent years they did not get as many customers, but she couldn't just allow a noble lady to stay in such a small room, could she?

After several moments of silence, he tension was almost unbearable. The lady sighed clearly feeling as if she was between a rock and a hard place. She could not understand why this young girl would go through such lengths to stay here. "My name is Claudia Bonnet, it is a pleasure to meet you, miss. Dinner is served in the dining room at 7 pm and breakfast is at 7 am. It is included in your stay as well as one use of the bathhouse down the road. Do you need assistance with your bags?"

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