Death Is Still Not The End

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Morgianna died, but Death was there waiting on her. He heard her last wish in her heart. The trade of Eltarr's life for Alnwick. She knew the big guy would be mad when he realized that while she died he would not be dying anytime soon.


It has been a week since Morgianna sacrificed herself to save everyone. There had been a mass funeral to honor all who fought bravely but today was one that all of Morgianna's friends wanted to hold just for her. Yes, everyone fought for the same goal but without her none of it would have been possible.

From afar two figures watched as one after another friend and family laid a flower upon a casket that was empty. Her body though cracked and bloodied was hers and hers alone. When she had opened her eyes she almost couldn't believe that she was alive... Or well would she technically be considered undead? Death had been there with a serious look on his face as he offered his hand to her. He had stolen away her body with the promise of her being able to keep it on one condition. It was the deal of a lifetime or in her case two. With her ancestry there were two choices... The first was to accept her death and be thrown into the wheel for reincarnation once again but this time with no perks. She would be a normal person with a normal life and live it without the memories of her here and now. The second was a little more tricky. People died every day and someone was always needed to carry the souls to their next destination. Death in his own strange way had basically offered her a job. Once taken the job couldn't exactly be quit though. It was a for all of eternity type of gig. The pay was nonexistent, the hours were long but the perks were that she would never grow old, never be hungry, and would never for the rest of eternity die.

Death looked at Morgianna and gave her a nod before disappearing. This was her time and he would not disturb. While he didn't agree with what she was doing he could understand why she was doing it.

With heavy feet Morgianna descended the hill until she was less than fifty feet from those she cared about. She had questioned herself for days if this was the correct choice and found that if she didn't do it now then she may just carry this regret for all of eternity. They didn't even notice her presence as all of them focused on an empty box. All of their emotions were almost tangible causing the air around them to be heavy. "I told you all not to be sad, yet here you all stand crying and boohooing."

At first nobody could believe their ears. A hallucination would have been a more believable cause than what they found themselves looking at. The very person they were mourning stood in front of them now. Her signature red hood was covering most of her face except for a smirk that would have been recognized instantly. With two hands she pulled the hood from her head letting her mismatched eyes meet each of their shocked gazes.

Nobody spoke as if afraid to end the shared dream that they were all in. "I thought my welcome would be...well a little more welcoming." Her laughter filled the silence and more tears streamed from everyone's eyes.

Fafnir always was the first to react as he practically charged at her. Just as his arms went to envelope her in a hug he found himself passing right through her. Morgianna felt a ping in her heart at his distraught face. "I'm sorry for everything I really am. It might have been easier on you if I didn't come back at all." She hung her head as Fafnir reached out only to pull his hand back. "I died, but I thought it would give you comfort if you knew that I wasn't completely gone. If you knew that I was still watching over you."

Myra fell to her knees beside Fafnir and gave a strangled sob. "In the end we failed to protect you."

"It happened at no fault of your own. I willingly went because I knew that the trade would be that all of you get to live. I knew for days leading up to the fight... That my time had run out." She gave a forced smile as she took in the emotions that flitted across everyone's faces. Some were in denial, some were just sad but one among them was angry. "I just hope you forgive me. Alnwick please don't be so angry at me, I couldn't take an eternity of knowing you hated me."

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