To Break A Curse

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Morgianna was nervous. She knew that the dragon was serious about eating her if she could not lift the curse.

"Okay if I break your curse and get the chains off you, then you have to swear to not eat me or anyone I care about." She knew nothing of dragons except what she read. She had always seen them as noble proud creatures.

The cursed dragon looked at the child in front of him and sighed in his mind. How could such a small creature break a curse and chain that even he could not in all the years he had been there.  He had no hope she would ever actually succeed. However he wanted the girl to trust him so that when the time came he could eat her without putting forth much effort.

In an attempt to put her mind at ease the cursed dragon used what magic he could muster to say an oath. "I Fafnir Nightwing, Son of Typhon and Eingana Nightwing swear upon my family name that if you are able to lift the curse I will pledge my loyalty to you. On my honor, as a dragon I will not harm you or those you hold dear and I will return the favor in your time of need."

Morgianna shivered as she felt the magic brush across her skin. "What happens if you break your word?"

"Then I die." the cursed dragon flicked his tongue in the air one more time tasting the remnants of her fear as it dissipated with his oath.

Morgianna was nodding her head as she was thinking. With his oath he wouldn't dare hurt her unless she could not follow through with her part of the deal. "Alright, could you tell me more about this curse so that I may figure out the best way to move forward. Like what exactly was the curse that turned you from your original form?"

Fafnir looked at the girl wondering what all he should tell her. Then decided he might as well tell her everything, if she could not break the curse she would take the knowledge to her grave. However if she broke it, those who placed it would know it was broken and head this way. It is best to get it all out in the open.

"My mother and father were the King and Queen of our race. We had been in peace for centuries during their reign and I was set to become to next ruler. My fiancee was chosen from our most noble females and we were to partake in the joining of souls during the eclipse. However I was blinded by her fake face. She had been seeing my youngest brother behind my back. I was the eldest of 6 brothers and had many centuries on him yet I never thought to guard my back against him."

"One night days before our joining was to take place she brought me to a garden and gave me a present. It was an anklet that at the time I thought held words of love. However it was a cursed object that she had someone create to bind me. That night after returning to my room I started to feel dizzy and passed out. The next time I woke I was chained up inside of this cave."

"At first I did not know what had happened. My body felt weird and I could no longer change to my human form.  The chain around my leg was firmly locked and no matter how I pulled it would not come free. I spent days alone without food or water, yet I did not feel hungry or thirsty. After what I felt must have been 2 weeks she came. She walked right through the entrance and up to me with a smile on her face. She had taken her human form with her long blonde hair and blue eyes. I can still remember it as if it was yesterday."


"Oh Fafnir, you poor thing. How it must feel to be all alone in this dark cave. Do you miss me?" She giggled and hid her face behind her hands like a shy maiden.

"Sora, what is the meaning of this. Release me."

Her face lost all its playfulness and turned hard. Her next words sharp as knives. "You see I cannot do that. Everyone must believe you are dead. Your brother wanted to go ahead and end your miserable life, but that was not good enough for me. I wanted you to suffer. So I decided you should spend eternity in this cave. Alone. You cannot starve to death, the curse won't allow it, but you can and will feel hunger later. It will feel as if your insides are shriveling and dying as time goes on. You will never escape."

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