The Gathering of Beasts

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Alnwick looked at her sleeping face and felt his determination rise. She put her life in danger to save him and now he needed to help her.

It had been a long time since he had taken his Phoenix form, for years he had been too weak. With each moment that passed he could feel himself becoming stronger.

He peered out into the surrounding forest and knew he needed to act fast. The mayor would be attempting to gather any other members to bring back and he had no idea how long that would take. Alnwick took one last glance at Morgianna before moving several yards away. He let the shift take over and instead of it being almost instantaneous as it used to be it drug on. He could feel each of his bone-cracking and rearranging themselves to allow his larger form. He gritted his teeth and fell to all fours as he felt his skin begin to stretch.

He panted through the change, the pain nothing compared to what he had felt just earlier that day. When the pain subsided he opened his eyes and spread his wings. He saw them in all their red and orange magnificence and let out a cry. Now all the beasts of the forest would know of his return.

*in town*

"As you know, it is very important that we leave immediately to find your young partner. She could be in danger." Mayor Fernheim tried to put a sympathetic look on his face but Fafnir could see the evil intent hiding in his eyes.

Fafnir sneered in his heart at the pathetic man in front of him. He did not know why Morgianna did not just let him take care of him, but he trusted her to have a plan."I cannot leave for the forest until I have finished my preparations. She would not wish for me to rush things." He smiled in secret at the double meaning.

He could see that the Mayor was becoming impatient. He vowed in his heart while looking at that vile man that when the time came he would gladly end his miserable existence.

*back in the forest*


She put her hands over her ears. The voice sounding as if it was inside her own head. It sounded familiar yet she could not put her finger on it.

'Morgianna, I know you can hear me. We have not spoken in a while, yet you ignore us.'

She opened her eyes looking around and seeing nobody. She frowned remembering why that voice sounded so familiar. It was those responsible for her being in this world.

"It must be something important if you are contacting me after all this time. To what reason do I owe such a joyous occasion?" She let the sarcasm drip off of her words. If there had been anyone around they would have thought her crazy to be talking to herself.

'How could you just tie your life to someone else's like that. You have a reason for being in this world, an important one. If they die, you will too.'

She brushed imaginary lint off her shoulder and glanced around as if looking for something before she answered in a calm voice that betrayed none of the rage she felt inside. "Do you forget the reason why you chose me? The circumstances around my death, and therefore my new life revolve around me saving someone else. I will continue to save as many beings as I can for as long as I can, as per the reason I decided to give this living thing another try." She stood up then and jumped down from the stone she had been sleeping on. "Now if you do not mind, I have a gathering of beasts to attend."

She did not hear an answer but could feel as if a presence inside her mind had left. She sighed in relief at the feeling of once again being able to have her thoughts to herself. There was a group heading in her direction, the magical signatures all varying from low to very very powerful. There was no doubt in her mind that it was Alnwick bringing forth the beasts that resided in this forest.

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