The Last Sacrifice

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The time was now or never. They could not use the element of surprise as she was sure Eltarr had felt her coming from a mile away. She looked below her as the teams all got into place. Prince Caspian led the group that would travel by water, his people rode upon sharks and dolphins looking majestic yet strong. Prince Kieran, Prince Thadeous, and Prince Alaric were stationed at different bridges splitting the remaining ones between them. Kieran was in wolf form as were most of his people and they looked fierce, ready to tear their enemies limb from limb. Alaric was cold-looking, his eyes like daggers as they stared off to where the enemy lay, and Thadeous, the usual jokester had a serious look that she had never seen on his face before. It was unnatural and she found herself hoping that once this was over he would be able to return to his joking manner...she hoped everyone could go back to how they were before but she knew that was wishful thinking. Today people would die. Friends would be separated, mothers and fathers are taken from their children, and children taken from their parents. If they were lucky the casualties would be few...but if they lost then those that died today would not matter as everyone would follow soon after.

Tearing her eyes away from those below her Morgianna looked around her at those that would fly in with her. Fafnir and his brothers were each in charge of one side. Fafnir took the North with her and Myra, the latter being on his back ready to guard from behind with her life. Faust took the East with Prince Gabriel, and even from this distance Morgianna could see his magnificent wings and remember the night that they flew together. On the Westside was Fergus and Zephyr, the griffon and dragon immediately becoming friends with their similar personalities. Then lastly on the Southside was Finian, Prince Alistar, and Alnwick. With Finian not being the most proficient fighter he would mainly be a strategist from afar but still, Morgianna worried that he would find himself in a situation his mind could not help him escape from.

Everyone was on edge and ready to start the fight, it was now or never. Raising her arm above her head Morgianna used the flare gun she had created just for today. One after another shots rang out as red-colored the sky.


It was an all-out slaughter on both sides.

Morgianna felt her heart lurch into her throat each time she saw one of her own falling at the hands of the shadow puppets. Sure they took down just as many puppets, but at the end of the day that was all they were, puppets. The culprit behind this whole mess had still eluded Morgianna and her friends as if mocking them for even trying to find him. "Show yourself you coward!" Morgianna screamed until her throat felt like it could take no more. She was losing her mind as she watched friends lay broken and bloodied below her. The fight was all around her and she moved almost as if on autopilot letting her scythe mow down any shadow that even so much as twitched in her direction as her eyes fervently searched for the one that would end it all.

"I am where we first met." The voice was but a whisper in her ear, there one moment and gone the next but she knew it was him. Eltarr had finally given her a direction to head in and she wouldn't waste another moment.


The cliff was quiet and barren, except for a lone cloaked figure that looked as if he had been seeped in darkness and left to marinate for a million years. The smile on his face was bone-chilling and promised that what was to come was going to hurt. "On this very cliff I asked you to join me once before. This is your last chance, if you join me now I will let you live and once this world is purged I will help you create new toys to play with. They will bow at our feet and worship us as they always should have. These ungrateful beings do not deserve the air that they are breathing." Eltarr took a step forward and the ground below him shook as if he were a giant.

Morgianna felt the rumbling beneath her but her feet stood firm. "My answer was no then and it is no now. I will fight you until my last breath because the people you see as wastes are my friends and family. They are the people that make this world good. Sure there are those that are bad, but not enough for the whole world to be destroyed!" Morgianna gritted her teeth and raised her scythe ready for him to attack, and he did not disappoint. 

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