Chapter 6: Destiny

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~ Athanasia POV ~

It's been weeks since I have papa as my teacher who is disguised as a lady named Miss. Raven. He had been teaching me a lot of things that I wasn't aware of and I appreciate him doing this. Because we became closer than ever now that we bonded a lot more.

"Papa, I want to drink your tea!" I pouted. It's been 2 years and he still hasn't let me try his tea!

"... If you say so" He makes another teacup appear in his hand and he puts it on the table. He pours the tea as I watch in astonishment. I can't wait to drink this!

Then another idea came into my mind. "Oh! I want desserts! Especially chocolate!" I smiled at him with sparkling eyes.

He gives me an expressionless face, not charmed by me at all. "Whatever"


A full set of various desserts showed up on our table and I ate them with a happy face. This is a luxury! I eat while looking at him. He gives me an indifferent look.

"I'm surprised that your cheeks haven't burst yet" He commented. I wonder if I look cute while eating. "Here's your tea"

He slid it in front of me and I picked it up. I swirl the cup before smelling the aroma it was giving off. I took a sip and it tasted sweet! I don't know how to describe the taste but it's amazing!

"It feels like flowers are blooming inside of my mouth!" I giggled.

"Is that so? Strange thought but ok" He smirks at me. "Let's postpone our lessons today"


I was in his arms all of a sudden and the food disappeared.


"Let's just have some fun for now" He smiles joyfully at me.

Then we teleport in the back alley OUTSIDE THE PALACE?! Wait, why am I so shocked? I've been outside the palace a few times recently, only twice for my pre-birthday gift. But why is he like this all of a sudden? He always gives me near-death lessons that I barely made out of before. So why is he gentle?

He puts me down and we change into different items of clothing that will let us blend in with the crowd. Then he gives me my bracelet and wears his ring so we can disguise ourselves and remove traits of being part of the royal family. "Ready?"

I was actually excited to see the town properly on the day where there's no crowd. "Yes, papa!"

He lifts me and carries me in his arms. I hug his neck to secure myself properly. "Let's go" He walks out.

Everything I saw was beautiful and I smiled as we wandered the street together.

And the only thing I could say to papa was thank you.

"Thank you for being my father" I mumbled my mouth against his shirt and slightly cracked up a smile.

~ Anastacius POV ~

I sat her on my neck because my arms were getting tired and I heard her giggle silently.

I wonder. Since I know now that she loves me, should I use magic on her mind now?...

I thought about it as we went around town and delayed the idea. She's too young right now. Maybe later...

Then something shiny caught my eye. Shiny... It reminds me of Athanasia when we first met. Can't believe she loves treasure so much. I let out a chuckle and walked over to the stand.

"Hello, sir! Are you interested in buying jewelry for a lady? Or yourself?" The vendor tries to attract me but I'm not even one bit fascinated by it.

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