Chapter 43: Journey

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~ Anastasia POV ~


Flying around in the endless wonders with nothing but Athanasia in my arms. Absorbing all the magic that I can find in this strange world, I have become more powerful than ever. However, it's still not enough because I cannot save Athanasia alone. No... I need the World Tree to help her. Only then will she be saved.


Before I even knew it, I walked into the strange light and it flashed right in my eyes.

There I saw it. 

Fluttering and rustling with the leaves making beautiful music and glowing brightly. The colors everywhere but mostly just light radiating magnificently. It was a sight to see that took my breath away.

It's the World Tree.

It's no wonder ordinary humans can't come here. This was a dangerous journey and this tree is more than just a branch with magic. I could feel that it's alive.... More alive than I thought.


The tree notices my presence and roars as the branches move ferociously that expressed anger. It's implying that it doesn't like my intrusion and threatening me to leave. But I cannot. Not when her life is at risk.

Negative energy seeps out as black mist and drifting off to nowhere. I walk closer and it becomes more furious that the branches twitch and shake a lot. The leaves rustled and screamed at me to leave. Then when I got close enough, I placed my hand on its wood and relaxed my mind while connecting with the tree.

The bad energy that I feel inside. It's sad and mad. I can feel it and even hear it. I can read its mind.

"Leave! You're not welcome here" It yelled with hate and contempt.

If it could speak, then would it be lonely?

"... I'm sorry but I cannot leave" I take my hand off and frown sadly with my eyes drooping. "Not yet at least."

I put her body down next to the tree gently while trying to make her comfortable at the same time. The tree was baffled and roared at me louder and more fiercely than before. I could even hear thunder in the back which startled me and I pleaded with it.

"I can see your pain" I put my hand over my heart and look at it with pity while pouting my bottom lips. "I'm sorry that you got beaten wrongfully and that you lost your branch as a result. But I have no intention of harming you at all"

"Haha! You dare mock me, human? You think you can win my favor through pity?"

"... No, I don't expect to win your favor at all" I sighed with a gloomy expression but inside I was burning up. This tree is more stubborn and smarter than I thought. Ugh, I can't win against this tree at all but she needs it.

"I come in peace but that does not matter to you," I said and it agreed with me and laughed at me. "However, I only wish for a branch to save my master. In exchange, I will offer myself to you"

"I don't care! Leave! I don't need anything from a human!"

"Sigh" I placed my hand on it and emotionally connected with it again. The tree is still holding a grudge against Lucas for beating it and taking a branch. Like what? It's just a branch and it has plenty too.

I take another deep breath and prepare myself for the better or worst. With the rumbling and mess in the background, I didn't let the surrounding bother me and keep my mind at peace. I opened my mouth while playing a melody inside my head and let my voice out.

Loathed TreasureOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora