Chapter 33: Peace

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"Prepare to march right into the household and make sure nobody knows about this" Claude commands his servants and they all nod as they scurry away.

Anastacius blinks while staring out at the bright sun just floating around in the sky, moving in one direction. His face straight and emotionless, not a hint of worry expression nor his facial muscle twitch. Just blank and not surprised at all. He sighs and opens his palm to reveal a black symbol engraved on it like a tattoo. Unremovable and eating him alive as time passes on. It was a sign of his departure.

"... He finally noticed" He said bluntly and turned around to go back inside. "I guess we should throw a welcome party for him while we're at it" He grins wistfully and weakly with a pale face. Still staying positive even though the worse is about to happen.


The maids were quickly informed about the attack by Anastacius and prepared themselves for a real battle. He was serious about it yet not concerned nor confident. He was just sad and it made everyone nervous at his expression but they immediately got to work. Setting up traps and cleaning up their messes of past murders while getting their weapons ready for the surprise. However, the target didn't get prepared at all nor even bothered planning. He just sat in his office and enjoyed a cup of tea while reading Athanasia's old letters that she hid but not very well.

"My Duke-"

"Ah. No need to call me that anymore. Just say my name" He exclaims and Lily furrowed her forehead in bewilderment but went along with it.

"Erm. Sir Anastacius.." Lily said awkwardly, new to calling her master by his birth name. "We finished setting traps everywhere and killed off the remaining prisoners in the dungeon. Everyone is ready for battle but can't we just invade them first?"

"... No, it'll take more time and effort if we do that" He smiles weakly and Lily frowns with her lips quivering. "Protect them and escape to the Sidonna Kingdom. I will hold them off along with the others as much as I can while you guys escape. And don't go crazy with the killing" He let out a gentle chuckle and her eyes droop with sadness. "... What did I tell you about getting emotional, Lily?"

"... Why?" She looks at the floor while clenching her chest. "We were living so peacefully in hiding and you're going to let him ruin it? Why can't we just take back the throne, your rightful place as emperor and Athanasia as the princess? What happened to that dream?"

She looks at him with her blue pupils shaking around while her body trembles in despair. He gives her a dull face with dejection filled in his blue jeweled eyes. He exhales and stands up straight while staring directly into her eyes with a stern face that doesn't show any ambition nor hope.

"It was a dream and it shall remain a dream forever"

Lily's heart dropped as his sentence and her eyes moved to the floor, wide open and in shock. "Is that it?"

"Lily, I suggest you prepare yourself too just in case you run into the emperor when fighting tonight" He turned around and faced the window. "You may leave.."

"Yes," She bows and goes to the door. However while reaching for the doorknob, the door burst open with Diana all shaken with her eyes turning pink and teeth bare in anguish. Lily was startled by her appearance and bit her lips, knowing what was about to happen and walked past her to the hallway in concern. Diana marched straight into his office and to Anastacius who was stunned by her teary face.

"What are you talking about?!" She yelled at him and he gave her an indifferent face. "A battle?!"

"... yes" He responds and she raises her hand at him but he blocks it by holding her wrist. With the other free hand, he reached out to touch her face but she slapped it off.

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