Chapter 27: Charmed

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The years passed by like it was nothing and Athanasia was able to properly celebrate her birthday with her new friends. However, she also celebrated with the orphanages that she helped and donated a lot to the poor people. It was very sweet to see the Karalis girl doing good deeds. Ironically, her last name meant 'black king' as in the mood but she wasn't one. She may act like a queen but not an evil and moody one well at least to the noble society. Hence, the nobles labeled her as the queen of hearts and some even think she's better off ruling a whole kingdom rather than a dukedom.

Diana and Anastacius stayed as a happy couple, hiding under new identities that they soon accepted as part of their lives, and just continued being normal. However, they both had different plans. Anastacius busy with building power and keeping an eye inside the palace while Diana taunts Lucas with their deal and keeping him away from Athanasia as much as possible. She first intended to let him make himself worthy so she can give Athanasia to him but after some time, she realized she wasn't ready to let go of her daughter. Thus, another battle begins between the two.


Lucas shows up to the mansion without notifying the Duke nor the Duchess earlier. Although he came with the household not knowing about his visit, they managed to get ready just in time to welcome him in. Anastacius had the urge to shred the man apart with his magic but Diana controlled him and convinced him to not.

"What might cause you to visit us so suddenly?" Diana interrogates Lucas as they walk to the main hall.

"Oh, I'm actually here to see someone" He answered with a smug face.

She smiled hard with the corners of her lips twitching and her fists in a tight grip. "Oh really? Who?"

"Athanasia," He said with a smirk. "Ah! I mean Anastasia since her identity is a secret"

Diana glowers at him while keeping her smile. She was impressed but also furious by his bravery to see her daughter.

"I can't let you" She crosses her arms and shakes her head. "You showed up uninvited and she's busy. Why would I let you?" Diana scoffs.

Lucas knew she would reject him and just sit on the couch while chomping on the sweets. They have a staredown as they wait for the other to speak.

"Lucas, if you don't have any other businesses here, then I advise that you leave now" Anastacius appears behind Diana out of nowhere and threatens him with a scowl after finishing work.

"Just tell your daughter that I'm here and wait"

"Now why would I-"

"Ah Lucas!" Athanasia shouts from the top floor while leaning against the ledge. They all turned to face her from below and she was looking down on them. Athanasia was wearing her outdoor clothes in the appearance of Anastasia. Her hair tied up and her dress being simple but also holding a bag in one hand.

She walks down the stairs and goes up to them with a bow. "I actually invited him here" She states.

Her parents became stunned by her sentence as their faces turned pale from shock. Lucas was amused by their expressions and snickered as she spoke with her parents.

"Since when?"

"Since a week ago" Athanasia broke a sweat. "We'll only be gone for the afternoon"

Their jaws dropped as they reacted to her independence. Inviting someone over without permission is ok enough but going out alone was not. Anastacius blazed up in fury while keeping his eyes on Lucas who started to become nervous from his glare. Diana was frustrated and thinking hard about how she can react and what choice she has to make.

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