Chapter 30: Conflict

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The news of the Karalis and the Obelia families bonding spread to the public as they continue to see each other. Everyone thought they would become rivals due to the power each family has but instead they were considered allies. Although it was just a harmless and nice invitation from the emperor, the family was still upset about it. Athanasia was tired of being tested and used by Claude for his political affairs, Anastacius didn't want to deal with Claude's problems but he helped him hide the pain and contain the curse, and Diana has to listen to the complaints from her husband and daughter every time. Even the maids were furious at the emperor for showing attention to Anastasia and developed a plan on how to assassinate him only for it to get stopped by Diana.

However, the most unhappy person with the invitation was Penelope Judith.

"Damn her!" Penelope yells and throws a cup at the wall. The maids flinched from her tantrum and just watched her in fear, hoping that they wouldn't get hurt.

"Mother! Please calm down!" Jennette pleads her mother and grabs onto her arm. "It's not her fault!"

"But it is!"

She scowls at her own daughter as Jennette's face darkens and shudders. Penelope looks at her with contempt and feels like hitting her. Jennette trembles as her knees collapse onto the floor and she keeps her head down, knowing that her mother hates her. Penelope grips her fist and grits her teeth as she holds in her anger. She sighs and holds her cheek softly with a gentle smile. "Jennette, my daughter. I didn't mean it"

"But mother..." Jennette looks at her, baffled by her expression.

"I'm not mad at you," Penelope said. "I'm mad at that Karalis girl for stealing all the attention from you"

"You mean Anastasia?" Jennette's face hardens as she gets confused by her mother's words. "But she didn't do anything"

"Your father is giving her the attention that you deserve! Why else would he invite her?"

"But she's just helping him with his work. I'm sure she doesn't mean any harm"

"That's the problem!" Penelope grabs her shoulders and glares at her in fury. "She knows more than you do! If she continues helping him.... Then she'll steal your throne away from you! You don't want that to happen, do you?!"

"Mother, you're being silly. Father would never allow that to happen"

"But he's considering it"

"He's joking!"

"No, he's not!" Penelope yells at her and startles Jennette. "If you keep on being like this, then you'll lose your place as the heir!" Jennette's pupils dilate as she continues staring at her mother's scary eyes. "Listen to me and listen well! You better keep your place as the Crown Princess until your father announces it to the world! Focus on your studies and give him advice! Overshadow Anastasia and stand out! Even if it means losing your friend! You got it?"

Jennette's lips quiver and her body trembles as she tries to take in all of her mother's commands. It was too much for her and nearly impossible. She barely focuses on keeping her place as the Crown Princess and continues playing around while living in luxury like her mother. Now she has to catch up and even surpass Anastasia. It's overbearing for Jennette.

".... Yes, mother" She nods, and Penelope grins, pleased that she's obeying.

"Ok, good. Secure your place as the heir"

~ Athanasia POV ~

"The river leads to the valley....." I continued speaking and helping Claude with his work when he should be doing it on his own.

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