Chapter 24: Redemption

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~ 3rd POV ~

After Athanasia returned home, she was immediately carried to her room where she can rest while Hannah checks her health. For the book, the Duke had to transport it out of her hands and replaced it with a pillow. The household was in chaos with Diana worrying about her daughter and Anastacius trying to figure out what was wrong with her.

However, they couldn't do anything until she woke up and so they had to wait. Lily was ashamed and disappointed in herself for not watching out for Athanasia properly because she was busy doing a mission, weakening the emperor's curse. However, she was unsuccessful since Claude is very wary of his surroundings and took too long.

"... We will also be having a visitor tomorrow" Lily's face turned gloomy. "He helped me track her in the palace and even put her to sleep so she wouldn't cause a mess" Lily's face turned pale as tears swell in her eyes.

Anastacius starts to get angry as his aura gets murderous and intense in the gloomy atmosphere and Diana blinks in astonishment with tears in her eyes. "Who?"

"A.. warlock," She said. "He's the fame young royal magician of the Black Tower"


"Athanasia is awake!" A maid runs into the room all tired like she had just run 100 miles. However, she looked more worried than relieved. They all looked at her in concern and he came up to her with a stern face. The maid swallowed her saliva and stared directly into his eyes with shaking pupils.

"She seems off..." The maid frowns and they all shuddered.

What does she mean?

~ Athanasia POV ~

"Hannah." I grinned widely with teary eyes. "Why do you look so frightened?" I stroke her cheek and frowned sadly. However, she avoids my eyes"I... Don't give me that!" I yelled


The window shatters apart along with the mirror. My blanket was thrown to the side and my pillows shredded with feathers flying down from the air.

"Argh! I'm so mad!!!" I screamed and Hannah pushed me down.

"Calm down!" She gives me a sad face and I gape at her in shock. Did I scare her? "Hold her down"

Then Ces came into my view, uneasy, and pushed my body against the bed as I squirm around.
"Hannah? Ces?" I whined as my pupil shrunk. I feel like crying. Are they betraying me?

"Do you hate me?" Suddenly Hannah reached to the side and grabbed a needle! I shrieked with all my might and shook around. "NO! I HATE NEEDLES!" I shouted for help but nobody came.

"I hate you! I hate you! Traitor! I knew you were never on my side!"

"Please calm down and stay still! This is for your sake!" Ces was shivering and her lips quiver. I stopped moving and stared at her with my eyes wide.

That expression... It exhilarates me!!

"Hahahahaha!" I laughed. "Hahahahahaha!" I continued to laugh with joy.

What the hell is happening?!


Hannah sticks the needle in my neck and injects me with a weird serum. "I'm sorry if it hurts" She cried and tears were streaming out of her face.

No... Is she sad? I don't want them to look at me like this. My mind is out of place along with my heart. God...

"Don't cry. I should be the one sorry" My eyes get droopy as my body starts to feel tired. "It's my fault for underestimating my emotions"

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