Chapter 21: New Start

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~ Athanasia POV ~

... How did it come to this?....

"You've been sleeping till noon all day and yet you're complaining that you're tired?!"

I always wanted us to be together as a family but there are so many things that I'm unaware of.

"Oh my! Sorry! I need to in order to survive! It's not my fault for having such a weak body!"

I place down my fork and wipe my mouth with a napkin. Lily calmly cleans up my plate and goes back into the kitchen. I get off my chair with a cheerful spirit as they constantly scream at each other.

"I'm going to study in the library now!~" I announced.

They stopped arguing and focused their attention on me.

"Ok, go if you wish to" Father crossed his arms and sighed.

"Go ahead!~ But take a break, I don't want to see you pushing yourself!" Mother pouted at me. "Give me a kiss goodbye first" She taps her cheek at me.

I did what she wanted and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then I walked over to my father who was sulking with his head to the side and jumped to give him a kiss on the cheek.

He faced me in shock and rubbed his cheek. "I didn't ask but ok" He smirked specifically at mommy.

"Bye!~" I skipped away with a smile as I felt a fire blazing behind my back.


After getting home from the party, we all went off to our own rooms and washed up. I took a bath and changed into my pajamas. I jumped into bed and stared at the ceiling blankly.

"... Mommy is finally back" I mumbled.

I think about how pretty she is in real life when she came back alive and went to the forbidden room. Well at least for me since father always told me not to go there and even Lucas couldn't get in because it was protected by a magical barrier. However, now I know...

It's her room....


I felt a familiar aura within my room again. He has some nerve to come back here after what he just did to me.

"How was the party?" Lucas hovers over my face.

"Why are you here?" I sit up and look at him with a straight face. "I still haven't forgiven you for what you did to me" I scowl.

He shrugs and gives me a confused expression. "What? That was fun!" He laughs at me. "Did you have a nice fall?"

"Luckily someone caught me or else I would've fallen to the ground" My vein popped.

"... Oh yeah, and that killed the fun" He scoffed at me in irritation. Ohohohoh. This gives me an idea.

"Well for me, it was amazing!" I smirked at him. "My knight in shining armor! He thought I was an angel that fell from the heavens and caught me! A man, famous in the empire" I clap my hands together as I "fantasizes" about Ijekiel like a typical teenage girl. This is cringe but all worth it to mock him.

Lucas sneers at me with a glare. "..." His red eyes glow up as I sense his magic surrounding him.

The presence is weak...

"I have to thank you for that or else I wouldn't have talked to him. He was very nice and a gentleman unlike someone" I continued to taunt him. "So your revenge didn't go as planned. Oops! Sorry that I had a good time!" I lay my head against the pillow with a big smile.

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