4 . her Feistiness

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I knocked his office door hoping a reply but it didn't came I pushed open the door
The atmosphere was rediculosly calm like a Strom is about to come
I never ever felt so uncomfortable
I didn't see him sitting in his chair
Maybe he isn't here

I turned to leave then I sensed someone behind me I quickly turned and gasped it was Mr knights
God is playing hide and seek game

"Sir you called me " I said

"Yes I wanted to ask you did you take all the notes" he asked his tone is too stern

Crap I ended up recording it

"Sir I didn't but I have recorded it"

He gave me a look of disapproval

" I said you to write it down not like take out that damn recorder and be free and available to others during
Ms Rosen " he said in sharp tone

"I thought you were capable for this job but you are like others just disgusting , we maintain professional distance and behaviour here Ms Rosen hope you know that , this isn't your strip club" he barked that dog
How dare he say that

"Excuse me Mr knights you cannot just keep on going with your shit like that I am a respective adult and I know what to do , don't you disrespect me like that I can't take it
How are being professional and talking about me like gross huh
Is this your professional attitude you have"

He was super stunned maybe no one dared to speak up to him in this tone but I did , respect comes first for me

He just stood silent without uttering a word , he then went and sat on his chair ,I readjusted the files I held in my hands and looked up caught him staring at me more like glaring

" what?" He snapped at me as he caught me staring at him

"So-sorry sir i-i was zoned out" I stuttered god he is really handsome but rude aghhhh

"Haven't you seen a man before being like a creep all of a sudden" he scolded me
I felt ashamed god this is embarrassing

"Get me a coffee" he snapped back

" GET OUT DAMNIT" he screamed

"sorry sir" I plead and ran out

Tears brimming out no one yelled at me in that manner he accused me of things I am not and then he stared at me blamed me for thinking inappropriate how can he do this he is soo heartless I hate him

But I need to do this job I wanna fulfil my dreams if I get fired here it will slightly spoil the career list of mine I wanna keep my reputation

I brought his Espresso along and went to his office , I knocked the door

And I didn't get any reply so I pushed it open
I saw him sitting on his chair
Looking like an ugly duckling hot duck I went near his desk placed his Espresso and left without saying anything I could feel his stare but I ignored it

I finished working and it was time to leave I thought of asking him before I leave but acknowledging it wasn't necessary I have read in the instructions I am free to leave when it's time to go , who cares about that jerk

I took my car and drove off to Lara's clinic I stopped the car she just came out of her clinic she entered in and we both drove to our apartment

"How was the environment their is it good" she asked

"Yeah it is " I answered

"You look so down what happened"

"Nothing I am just.........bored " I answered a half cooked truth

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