23. wasting his time ( part one )

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Austin Williams POV

Yeah yeah Divon dick can do that


Robin kept rumbling mumbling how bastard Divon is

He is wrong , divon isn't a bastard
I know his parents are married

But whatever

Lara was sad and disappointed

" On the scale one to ten how sure are you that divon did it , anyone can be at the door , and it's normal that divon takes day off now and then , maybe he had a hungover hoodie " I said again

I clearly have no intention in helping him , but if he goes Lara can leave too

I don't want that

Planning it I have mostly wasted his 3 hours of time in just discussing some stupid things

How can i waste more ????

I don't need to think actually , I know I am the best in these kinda things

" Well Lara " she immediately looked at me

How responsive

" Are you sure that divon is the one "

She nodded , why can't she just speak

I have been hearing rants of this hoodie from all along , I tried to talk but he interrupts

What to do

What to do

" I am confused , why did you just didn't file a case , maybe you can get some help " I said

I know no one will arrest him , it's just cops can't arrest us , because we buy them

" I know what happened last time , no actions were taken against him , cops and all refuses to go against him " he said

" So you think I will do that " I asked in bored tone

As I swiped again and lastly I won jelly blaster or whatever game it is

Enough of this I will take car games now

" I am trying to contact him , he isn't picking up " I said

" Let me message him "
I drives the game car side ways as the car crashed , game over

Shitt I should have controlled it aghh

Seeing my loss

" What happened !?" Hooddie asked

Sometimes playing games can bring out best emotions

" I don't know hoodie , he is playing a big game " I said

I shut down the phone as I realised my phone have kinda less charge

" We aren't doing anything , it's been 6 hours , what are we even doing "
Lara said she looked like she was trying hard not to tear up


I took out my phone and tried messaging him , yeah he won't listen to anyone

I got an idea

" Yeah I think I know some places he often visits , let's goo their , and you are driving " I said getting up

" Why should I be driving ?" He asked getting up

" Because I said soo , I will try to contact him and tell you the direction okay " I said

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