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"Thanks," (Y/n) panted, trying to get into a good standing position as she leaned against Bakugo.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he replied, tightening his grip on her waist a little. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Honestly," (Y/n) started, looking up from the ground at him, "I don't know."

"Hey guys!" Kirishima yelled as he ran to the group. "They said to go up and join the rest of our class!"

"Can you walk, (L/n)?" Todoroki asked her after hearing Kirishima.

"With a little support, yeah, I think so," she responded, leaning against Bakugo.

They began to walk up to join the rest of the group,(Y/n) looked up for a minute at Bakugo, which he noticed her stare.

"What?" he asked, looking back to her.

"It's just," she started, looking down at the ground, "I didn't know you were that concerned about me."

"Well I mean, you're someone who's been in my life a long time and aren't totally irritating," he reasoned, looking to where they were walking. He let out a groan. "Agh... fine I'll admit it."

(Y/n) looked up at him, a slight tint coming to her cheeks as she realized how close their faces were. "Admit what?"

"You've grown on me, (Y/n)," Bakugo confessed, looking back down at her, and she could've sworn he had a slight pink tint to his cheeks as well.

As they reached the top, Uraraka came running over to (Y/n), seeing how beaten up she was. "(L/n)! Oh my god, are you okay?" she asked, looking at (Y/n)'s bleeding head.

"She's was launched by that bird brain while trying to protect me," Bakugo answered as he readjusted his grip on her. "She overexerted her quirk while fighting."

(Y/n) sighed, hearing Bakugo while holding her up honestly made her feel safe. Normally, she didn't like people doing this kind of thing since her powers help her travel quickly and quietly, but Bakugo made it seem okay.

"Let's check her out," one of the paramedics that came in said.

Bakugo helped her over to one of the ambulances, he stayed instead of going back with the class. The paramedic just bandaged (Y/n)'s head, cleaning it first since it wasn't a bad cut. The cleaning liquid stung a little, causing her to hiss in pain, which made Bakugo spin around. He was about to yell at the paramedic when he felt her hand grabbing his shoulder instinctively. Quite honestly, it was kind of sweet.

Once they were done checking (Y/n) out for more injuries, the paramedic let her out, going to the front to drive off. She got off, stumbling and losing her balance for a second. That was when Bakugo had grabbed her arm, pulling her up before she could fall, which led her to be at his chest, looking up at him.

"God, you just can't stop falling into me," he growled, the both of them seeming to reminisce back to when her had fallen on him on the bus ride to the entrance exam.

"Well you seem to be able to catch me every time," (Y/n) retorted, standing back up.

That was when the both of them heard a familiar "awwww". Their heads both shot in the direction of the sound, just to find Uraraka there.

"What?" (Y/n) asked.

"I was coming over to get you two to join the class again," Uraraka said, almost jumping up and down from the sight of the two of them. "But I guess I was interrupting something."

"Nothing," Bakugo snarled, letting go of (Y/n). "You were interrupting nothing."

Then he went off to the rest of the class, leaving the two girls alone.

"So..." Uraraka said, linking her arm with (Y/n)'s to lead her back to the rest of their class. "Does this mean you two are... ya know..."

"No, we're not together, Uraraka." (Y/n) shook her head.

"Do you want to be?"

This made (Y/n) stop in her tracks, yanking back Uraraka slightly. Her thoughts swirled as she thought about all the times her and Bakugo seemed to save each other, or end up in each other's arms. Then she thought about when the paramedic was cleaning her head before bandaging it, how when it stung she instinctively grabbed Bakugo's shoulder. She didn't even realize she did it until she opened her eyes from cringing from the pain.


"Uraraka! (L/n)! Come on!" Iida yelled to them, waving his arm for them to hurry up.

"Alright, that's twenty students, not counting the one that went to the hospital," the officer said after Uraraka and (Y/n) joined the class.

"So, you actually didn't answer my question, (L/n)," Uraraka continued in a hushed tone since they were with the other students now. "Do you want to be together with him?"

"I..." (Y/n) started, not sure how to answer the rather complicated question.

"It must be a 'yes' of some kind if you can't answer," Uraraka pointed out.

(Y/n) just nodded, her feelings somewhat coming into place now.

"Let's get these students to the main campus, they've been through a lot," the officer said.

While the class asked about Mr. Aizawa, Thirteen, Midoriya, and All Might, (Y/n)'s head swirled. Her thoughts coming into place, like puzzle pieces. The officers then told the class that they were about to take them back to the school. But before she went with them, she saw Bakugo staring at the hole left by All Might, and walked up to him.

"Are you okay?" she asked, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah," he grumbled.

"Come on guys, we're going back to class now!" Kirishima called out to the two of them.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard him, you idiot," Bakugo responded, grabbing (Y/n)'s wrist and dragging her with him to the bus.

"You know you don't have to drag me," (Y/n) groaned as she was barely able to walk behind him.

"Yeah, well clearly you can't get there yourself," he responded, not looking back.

"Yeah, well clearly you can't get there yourself," he responded, not looking back

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