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Time passed like a summer breeze and it was time for the licensing exam. As the class rode the bus to the National Dagoba Arena, (Y/n) was talking to Bakugo about how she had another dream the previous night.

"It was so weird, especially since I've never dreamed before entering the dorms." (Y/n) sighed, putting her head in her hand as she leaned against the window.

"Well, what was it about?" Bakugo asked, curious about why she was dreaming all of a sudden.

"Okay, prepare yourself, this is a kinda weird one," (Y/n) started, leaning back into the bus seat. "So I was in a room full of our classmates, they were all just standing around like dolls. I tried to snap them out of their doll-like state, but I realized that I was floating around. Then I looked at myself and I was just some vapor-like thing. I went to your doll-self and tried poking your face, which I know you hate. But when I poked you, I was absorbed into you, like I was controlling you. Then as I began to freak out as I looked around the room, I woke up in a cold sweat grabbing at my face."

"Wow, that is weird," Bakugo said, absorbing the information he had just heard. "Also nice to know your dream self also likes to poke my face to irritate me."

"It's a gift." She shrugged, laughing at the thought.

The then class arrived at the arena, (Y/n) grabbed her costume case and joined Bakugo and the rest of the group.

"If you all get your provisional licenses," Mr. Aizawa told the class as they stood outside the bus. "Then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros. I expect your best."

"Alright! I can't wait to be a heroic chicken!" Kaminari yelled, pumping his fist in the air. (Y/n) just facepalmed at the phrase that just popped out of his mouth.

"Let's call out the usual you guys," Kirishima also pumped his fist up, not noticing another student from another school join the group. "Plus--"

"ULTRA!" the student yelled very loudly.

As the student's school slightly scolded him for bursting into class A's group, he screamed an apology and bowed so low that he smashed his head into the concrete.

"Who is this guy? I do not trust his enthusiasm!" Kaminari said as the student cracked his skull against the sidewalk.

"Hey, look at their uniforms," Jiro pointed out.

"They're from that other school on the other side of Japan," (Y/n) observed as she piggybacked off of Jiro.

"U.A. in the East, Shiketsu in the West," Bakugo stated in a surprisingly calm tone.

"I wanted to say it just once, 'Plus Ultra'! See, I really love U.A. High School. I am extremely honored to compete against such incredible students! I am so looking forward to it!" the student exclaimed, coming up from his bow as a small trail of blood dripped down his head.

As the Shiketsu students went inside, Mr. Aizawa explained that that student had gotten into U.A. on recommendations but turned it down, revealing the huge student as a first year.

"Wait, he's our age?" Midoriya asked, surprised by the information.

"Hold on is anyone else confused?" Sero questioned, watching as the student walked away. "This guy says that he loves our school, but he turned it down when it was offered?"

"Yeah, what a weirdo," Ashido commented.

"Maybe, but he's the real deal," Mr. Aizawa said, turning to the class. "Keep an eye on him."

"Eraserhead?!" a teacher from another school exclaimed. "I know that scowl anywhere. I saw you on TV and at the sports festival, it's been a while since we've been this close in person."

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