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Soon enough, the matches started... and Midoriya was up first. As (Y/n) watched the match, sitting next to Bakugo and Kaminari, she touched the seat, using her quirk to begin watching the match. That was when she saw the transition. She watched as Midoriya's energy went from rainbow to a clouded aura, the same as his competitor's. She came out of the energy sensing, gasping as she exiting the phase.

"What did you see?" Bakugo asked, turning to her.

"He used his quirk on Izuku," she explained. "I think that Shinso really does have mind control."

"Is that why he's walking out of the ring?" Iida asked her, hearing her explanation.

"I can only assume that's it," she told him, watching Midoriya get closer to the line.

Suddenly, there was a huge burst of wind, and Midoriya was breathing heavily, scarily close to the line.

"What the...?" Bakugo started, looking at what had just happened. "(Y/n), take a look at what's happening."

"On it." She then ran up and grabbed the wall to maybe get a better angle, and saw the normal rainbow quirk energy around Midoriya. She got off and went back to her seat. "He's back in control."

As Midoriya beat Shinso, shoving him to the edge no matter what, Bakugo and (Y/n) could only watch in amazement.

"Woah..." She sighed. "That was..."

"Incredible!" Uraraka finished excitedly.

"He's pulled that shoulder throw on you--" Kaminari started, looking at Bakugo.

"Shut your face, sparky," Bakugo snapped at him, cutting him off.

After the match ended, it was time for Sero and Todoroki to fight. It started with Sero wrapping Todoroki in tape, dragging him across the battleground. Then in an instant, Todoroki used his right side to freeze Sero and create a giant iceberg. But before it could touch the stands the ice was aiming for, (Y/n) leaped over the seats, right next to the railing and put up a forcefield so it wouldn't touch the people in the stands just in time. Once the ice stopped forming, she put it down and leaned against the railing.

"Thanks, (L/n)," Iida told her, still shaking from the sudden ice shock.

"That was insane reflexes, (L/n)," Kirishima commented.

"Thanks," she responded walking back up to sit next to Bakugo.

"Todoroki's attack was crazy," Uraraka told Midoriya and Iida, looking at the ice.

Todoroki was pronounced the undeniable winner, he then began to melt the ice using his left side. The crowd began to chant 'nice try' for Sero while he did so. Once the ice was cleared, it was Kaminari and Shiozaki. It ended as soon as it began as Shiozaki caught an idiotic Kaminari in her vines. Midoriya began muttering again as he took notes, which seemed to irritate Bakugo.

"I know that look," (Y/n) said, getting Bakugo's attention.

"What look?" he asked, snapping out of his angry form.

"The look of 'I'm going to kill him', especially when he mutters." She crossed her arms as she said this. 

"I do not have that kind of face!" he protested, (Y/n) laughing slightly as his attempt at defending himself.

"Yes you do." 

"Do not, idiot."

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Do too--"

"Shut  up." 

Next was Iida and Hatsume, who's match took forever since it was basically a tech expo. But (Y/n) didn't get to see much since she went down to the waiting room to prepare for her match against Aoyama, which was next. As she sat down at one of the tables, beginning to strategize, she heard a knock at the door.

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