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(Y/n) began to make her way back towards where she had left the trio she had been moving with, quickly sensing their energies before jumping up onto a small steppingstone. She began to loose her balance as she attempting to move it upward, kneeling and gripping the edge of it so she wouldn't fall off.

Apparently this was the key to the control she had been looking for as she was able to navigate on it, gliding across the air as if she were surfing a wave. She thought as she internally scolded herself, Why didn't I just try this earlier?

But her journey of both progression and back towards her group was halted as she heard an explosion occurring in the distance, stopping abruptly as she turned towards it. Dust filled the air, (Y/n) squinting despite wearing her goggles.

What the hell was that? she asked herself, widening her eyes as she realized that what had caused the explosion...

Was a villain. Or rather... Gang Orca pretending to be a villain for the sake of the exam.

In an instant, she swerved her steppingstone back towards the source and began to glide towards the area. She noticed Shindo on the ground--paralyzed and unable to stop the incoming henchmen.

She kicked off of her steppingstone, flipping through the air as she axe kicked one of the henchmen in the head, taking him down with both her combative skill and the force she had built up falling down towards them. She tumbled on the ground, rolling back into a standing position as she instantly blasted two henchmen, sending them to the ground.

"Are you okay?" she asked Shindo, not hearing his response before she heard the sounds of more henchmen coming from behind her and attempting to attack.

She jumped onto a steppingstone, the force from her bounce against it allowing her to launch into the air, over the small group that had attempted to attack her. She went at them, punching one in the face, creating a small forcefield as she noticed one had attempted to shoot her with whatever was loaded in the guns. It stuck to her forcefield, allowing her to throw the now-cement (she quickly discovered it after watching it harden) into other henchmen.

While the henchmen went down like bowling pins, she noticed Todoroki and the student who he had the hostile conversation with, Yoarashi, having a lot of trouble against Gang Orca. Despite seeing two bickering during the fight, she decided to deal with the leftover henchmen not affected by her previous attack before dealing with them.

"Can you two stop acting like kids and help!?" she yelled at them, blasting a henchmen as she dodged another's attack.

"(L/n)?" Todoroki asked, watching as she effortlessly (or at least she appeared to be) took out henchman after henchman.

"Yeah! Who else would it be?" (Y/n) sarcastically retorted, dodging another shot of cement as it nailed another henchman. She quickly grabbed the back of said henchman, using her own strength to throw him into a couple others--knocking them down with the added weight.

Gang Orca then went to attack her, starting to shoot his paralyzing sound when she went into second form, flying above as Gang Orca attempted to follow her with his attack. She continued to fly around, dodging the attack as she continued to use the powered-up form.

Todoroki shot his flames at Gang Orca as he was distracted by (Y/n), which were useless when Yoarashi used his wind on the "villain". This distracted Gang Orca enough for (Y/n) to attempt to get another attack against him, attempting to punch him but missing as he stepped out of the way. As he was once against distracted by her, a dust cloud created by her hard landing, Todoroki attempting to use his flames once again but getting them canceled out by Yoarashi.

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