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"What is this!?" (Y/n) asked as the student began to attack her.

She put up a bubble, but the force from the first attack knocked her over, causing her to be trapped on the ground with the bubble covering her. Pieces of meat began pounding on the bubble as she tried to hold it back, grunting as she felt her back being pressed against the asphalt.

(Y/n) then saw that the three had finally gotten up the ladder. She barked at them as she kept her hands up,  "Guys, go back!"

Kirishima then saw a slab of meat go straight for Bakugo, pushing him out of the way as he yelled, "Look out!"

The slab then massaged Kirishima into a meatball-like creature and back to the quirk-user.

"Kirishima!" (Y/n) screamed, the meat still pounding against the bubble.

"(Y/n)!" Bakugo yelled, seeing her on the ground. "What is that?!"

"I'm from Shiketsu," the meatball-maker, Shishikura, said condescendingly. "Please notice, my school keeps our hats on while we're working, why's that? Because each and every one of our movements is crowned by the honor of our school. Please notice this as the difference between my peers and your vulgar class. We honor operation and dignity, something that seems to be lacking sorely among you."

"You don't shut up, do you?" (Y/n) asked, pushing the meat off of the bubble and somersaulting backwards to join Bakugo and Kaminari.

"I really hate your type," Bakugo said, smirking at Shishikura as he held up his hands.

"He's hard to follow," Kaminari remarked, staring at the horrid chubs of meat on the ground surrounding them. "He makes me feel kind of dumb."

"He's just saying that because he knows we'll beat him." (Y/n) smirked, her eyes beginning to glow. "He's scared."

"I am not scared of you!" Shishikura yelled angrily.

"Hey, maybe don't provoke him," Kaminari nervously said. "Look what he did to Kirishima."

"U.A. High," Shishikura continued, "I have respect for your school, I take pride in the fact that our institutions are treated as equals. But your class is shameful, you act in ways that disgrace heroes."

"He's attacking again," Kaminari pointed out as the student's fingers grew. "I don't want to be gross!"

"Shut up!" Bakugo and (Y/n) yelled, (Y/n) beginning to get onto the ground in a kneeling position.

Bakugo then provoked Shishikura as he yelled while attacking him, "Beast! You're worst of all, Bakugo!"

Then Shishikura began to attack. (Y/n) created a forcefield in front of them, causing the fingers to bounce back. They began to come back, Bakugo blasting them with his new AP Shot.

"Is that all you got!?" (Y/n) yelled at the Shiketsu-student.

"You're starting to sound like me, idiot." Bakugo looked over to her, smirking.

"What can I say? You rub off on me." (Y/n) shrugged, blasting away a couple fingers that had been attempting to attack her.

"God, can you guys not be a couple for two seconds?" Kaminari whined, backing off a little.

"So you're dating?" Shishikura grunted. "Let's see who I can take out first."

Shishikura then began to attack harder, three fingers at Bakugo and two at (Y/n), leaving Kaminari in the back. She then used her quirk to cause one finger to bounce on one of her steppingstone-like forcefields, jumping onto one of them as the other finger began an attack from behind. The two fingers clashed against each other, (Y/n) blasting them as she was midair. Kaminari then shot a couple disks from his costume uniform to the side of the student.

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