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"What did you do?!"

The two fell back, Kirishima letting go of (Y/n) once they had landed. In the split second before Kirishima could cover (Y/n), her right leg had gotten sliced by the blades. 

She ignored the pain and looked up at the villain. "Where did all those blades come from?!"

He started to move forwards, the blades cutting into the nearby buildings. Kirishima looked to her as she stood up while putting pressure on her wound, asking, "Can you handle the bystanders?"

She nodded and turned to the surrounding civilians. "Everyone get somewhere the blades cannot reach, now!"

Kirishima took another hit, the blades starting to cut through his hardening. (Y/n) made a forcefield that blocked the civilians from the blades, allowing Kirishima to handle him.

One kid had apparently been unable to get away, the threat of stray blades still one of the biggest concerns. So while Kirishima became the ultimate form of his quirk, (Y/n) ran over and took the kid in her arms. She assured him as she held him close, "Everything will be okay."

After the last attack, blades went flying everywhere. (Y/n) created another forcefield to block the broken pieces from hurting anyone else. She gave the kid to one of the adults and went back into the fight, watching as Kirishima took him down. The villain announced as he appeared to be powering up even more than before, "Here I come!"

The blades then all went directly at Kirishima, attacking him head-on. He then went in and completely took him out, punching him a few yards back.

She ran up to him as she exclaimed, "That was insane!"

"I had to do it." Kirishima looked to her as they began walking to the villain. "It's a hero and a man's job to."

The villain started to sob again, crying out, "Stay back! I just wanted to get stronger! Please, let me go! I'm nothing but a pathetic weakling that wanted a taste of power!"

"We can't let you do that." (Y/n) went over and grabbed his arm, pulling him up. "You shot Suneater. I do get what you're going through, a bit ago--"

"No one cares about your story, you wanna-be!" He then shot up with his blades, (Y/n) being forced to let go as the palms of her hands were sliced by them.

"Agh!" she yelped as her gloves started to be stained with blood.

Kirishima broke the blade as he started to get away, small fragments getting into her open wounds. She tried to create a forcefield to block him but he avoided it, almost hitting some bystanders.

She jumped onto one of her steppingstones, a wider one that she began to ride like a surfboard or a skateboard. She thought as she began to chase after the villain, I may not have much directional control right now, but I don't particularly care. I'm not even sure that I can grip the edge of this steppingstone. But I know that if I gain enough speed, I can take him down!

But before she could reach him, the villain shot back a blade to hit her. She used another forcefield to block it, causing her to fall off of the steppingstone as she lost her balance from a mix of the force from the hit and her injured leg. 

(Y/n) let out a small yelp, Kirishima running over as he managed to catch her before she could hit the ground. But instead of further worrying about the villain, another party joined the situation. 

"Sorry I'm late to the party!" Fat Gum announced as he jumped in front of the blade villain.

"Fat Gum!" Kirishima yelled as he turned to the mentor, still holding (Y/n).

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