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That night, (Y/n) had her first dream in a long time. Before she discovered or control her energy sensing ability, all she saw while sleeping was what looked like shades of blue in an aurora borealis, which was pretty but got boring after a while.

Her dream involved a wedding, all her classmates in attendance. As (Y/n) walked down the aisle, she realized she really couldn't see anything because of the thick white veil. But her body knew exactly when to stop--like a programed machine. 

Her groom then flipped up the veil to reveal to be Tomura Shigaraki. He reached for her neck with his three fingers and thumb, squeezing. As she gasped for air, Shigaraki lowered his last finger, about to decay her neck. 

She abruptly she woke up in a cold sweat holding her throat tightly, her nails slightly digging into the skin.

(Y/n) looked at the time, seeing it was about four in the morning. Since there was no way she was going back to sleep after that, she decided to do something other than think about that rather disturbing dream. She got up and got into a baggy t-shirt and some shorts. She pulled on some knee high socks and grabbed a pair of tennis shoes as she walked out of her dorm and down the hallway.

She decided to go to the courtyard, noticing how quiet it was there, especially that early in the morning. After quickly slipping on her shoes, she went and sat outside under one of the large willow trees and relaxed. She crossed her legs, getting into a meditative position. She then focused her energy into going into second form, her back stinging a bit due to the last time she was in that form. She ignored the pain and focused her energy, beginning to float as she fell deeper into that state.

"Little early for this, don't you think?" a familiar voice asked, breaking her out of the state. (Y/n) didn't realize how high she was, high enough to touch the top of the tree, so it came to a shock when she began to fall.

Bakugo then caught her, thankfully, and set her down. "Now it really is early for you to be falling for me, right, idiot?"

(Y/n) slapped his shoulder lightly at the bad joke. "You're the idiot here, and yeah, it's a bit early but I had a dream and couldn't fall back asleep after it."

"I thought you couldn't dream?" Bakugo asked, crossing his arms. Before she could respond, he looked at her neck, pointing at it as he questioned in a sterner tone, "Why do you have red marks around your neck? What happened last night?" 

"I--well..." She hesitated at first, looking down at the grass as she twiddled her thumbs. She reiterated the dream to him, how she woke up clutching her throat in a cold sweat--which explained why she now had red marks and nail scratches all over her neck.

"Wow, that's super creepy," Bakugo commented, scratching his neck while thinking about the dream. This gave (Y/n) a view of Bakugo's tank-top, which accented his muscles, shorts and slip ons, and she blushed at the sight. 

"So, why are you up so early? It's gotta be early still," she asked him, checking her phone and seeing it was four forty-five in the morning.

That was fourty-five minutes? That felt like only a couple minutes, she thought as she saw the time.

"Yeah, I've been getting up earlier to do some exercises lately and when I came down to brush my teeth, I saw how high you were getting," Bakugo told her, gesturing to the nearby bathrooms.

"Oh well then," (Y/n) said, slightly embarrassed by her unknown height.

He then pointed to her neck again. "Doesn't that hurt? Those nail marks look really raw and your neck is pretty red. It's starting to bruise."

She let out a quiet groan, reaching up to touch where she had made the self-inflicted injury and letting out a small yelp at the sudden pain. What were her classmates going to think of the injuries? Especially after learning about her and Bakugo's relationship and living together already--it was just a rumor-fest waiting to happen. 

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