A New Beginning

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Y/n's P.O.V

My dad came in the front door, holding our dinner.

"Maddie, as Green Hills' most respected veterinarian, what is the fastest way to exterminate a raccoon?"

I giggled at my dad's reaction to the raccoons that like to eat our garbage. Instead of my mom making a comment about them just being hungry, she held up a letter, pulling on the paper to make a whipping sound.

My dad and I looked at her confused. What was she holding?

"What's that?"

My dad suddenly had a look of realization.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Uh-huh. Open it."

My dad held the envelope in his hands.

"Oh. It's kind of small. Is that bad?"

"Just open it."

I watched my parents in confusion as my dad ripped open the envelope, unfolding the letter inside. My dad took a deep breathe and began reading.

"Dear Thomas: We have reviewed your application to the San Francisco Police Department, and pending interdepartmental review and background check, we are happy to inform you that you have been selected to join our team."

Wait a minute...Sans Francisco? That's so far away. That's nowhere near Green Hills. My parents seemed so happy about it. My mom even got a cake for my dad. Cake is delicious, but I don't want to celebrate leaving my home.

My mom started talking about flying over to San Francisco with Ozzy to check out some neighborhoods. I felt lost. Why is this happening? I'll never be able to make new friends. I barely have any here.

"Y/n, are you okay with this big change?"

I snapped out of my thoughts to look at my dad. He seemed concerned about me. My dad has done so much for me, but this is our home. I couldn't think of what to say.

"I...think I'm gonna sleep on it."

I quickly turned away from my parents and rushed to the attic. They didn't try to stop me, but I knew they weren't happy about me being upset. I didn't want to be alone in a big city.

I felt like I was going to cry, but crying wouldn't do anything for me. My mom and Ozzy were leaving tonight and soon my dad and I would be following. I felt like there was so much I needed to do in Green Hills.

I felt like the answer to the biggest mystery in my life was here in Green Hills. Now I had to leave.

I decided to just head to bed. Maybe I would feel better in the morning.

~Time Skip~

Today I was going for a walk in the forest around the house after school. I still didn't feel too great about leaving, so I decided to enjoy the scenery while I still could. I walked through the forest and started to feel deja-vu. It felt like I had wandered through this forest this same way before.

I reached a path. It was clear of trees and made my familiar feeling sky rocket. I looked around the area, searching for something, or someone. I wasn't sure what I was looking for. I felt like I needed to call out someone's name. It was a name that was so unique.

Sonic. Who was Sonic? Why did I remember that name?


I felt like saying that name would make them appear. However, all I felt was a breeze from behind me. I kept walking while I tried to remember who Sonic was.

Eventually I had to go home because it was getting late. I walked towards the door of my house as the moon started to shine. I reached for the door knob when I suddenly heard a loud boom in the distance.

I turned around and saw a giant blue explosion coming from where the baseball field was. Power started going down everywhere. I threw open the door and called for my dad.

"Dad, are you okay?!"

"There you are, Y/n! I was worried about you."

"Sorry, my adventure went a bit farther than I expected."

"As long as you're home and safe, it's fine. Now let's-"

My dad got a call from Wade on his phone. He picked it up and gave Wade instructions on what to do first. However, my dad got distracted during the call and hung up.

I followed my dad to see him inspecting some kind of blue...quill?

Why would there be a blue quill in the house? It was glowing and had electricity crackling on it.

"What is that, Dad?"

"I...don't know, but it looks like a quill from a hedgehog."

"That's a really big hedgehog."

"It's also a very irregularly colored hedgehog."

"That too."

"You know what, I think it's time to call it a night."

"Good idea."

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