Goodbye Sonic

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Y/n's P.O.V

I was riding in the passenger seat of my aunt's car. My parents sat in the back while Sonic was driving. Why was Sonic driving? I have no idea.

Sonic finally pulled around a corner, almost crashing into another car, and parked with half the car over the curb.

We all started getting out, seeing how badly the car was damaged. My dad looked at Sonic.

"It there anything you didn't hit?"

My mom shook her head.

"Why did we let the alien drive?"

Sonic pointed at himself proudly.

"Hey, I got us here. And please, five stars."

I giggled at Sonic's joke, stepping onto the sidewalk and looking up at the large building ahead of us.

"The Transamerica Pyramid... We made it, Sonic."

"Wow, look at that thing!"

"So, what's next?"

Sonic suddenly flew off, rushing to the building to scope it out.

My mom's jaw dropped, but my dad and I just smiled at her.

Sonic quickly returned, pouting.

"No good. You need a special key to get to the roof."

"What do we do, Dad?"

"Time for me to abuse the power entrusted to me. But first, we need to hide Sonic."

My dad grabbed a duffle bag from inside the car, holding it open for Sonic.

"All right, get in."

"You're joking, right?"

"Do you want your rings or not?"

"Fine, fine."

Sonic climbed in the bag and we made our way into the building, zipping the bag shut.

We ran up to the lady at the counter, my dad flashing his badge.

"We got a jumper on the roof. Gotta get up there fast or we're gonna have a human pancake on our hands."

"You came all the way from Montana?"

"Yeah. That's how serious it is."

The lady looked at my mom and I, but gave us the key anyway.


"You just saved a life."

We all ran to the elevators, but I was kind of confused.

"Dad, couldn't you have said you just transferred to the SFPD?"

"That probably would have made more sense, but whatever works is fine."

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