On The Run

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Y/n's P.O.V

I held Sonic close to me in the passenger seat of my dad's truck. Sonic seemed to be coming out his daze as my dad looked over at us.

"Alright, pal. You need to start talking, right now. Who are you? What are you?"

I looked at my dad like he was stupid. It's kind of obvious what Sonic is.

"He's a hedgehog. That's kind of obvious."

"Yeah! And I'm in big trouble."

My dad gave me a questioning look. I guess it was kind of weird that I knew so much about Sonic. At least, I can see it being weird to my dad. He shook off the weird look and looked back to the road.

"Oh, you're in big trouble? You're not the one who punched some sort of government weirdo back there."

"If it makes you feel better, Dad, I did almost get shot."

"That's true."

Sonic looked at the both of us, but quickly gained our attention by yelling.

"I lost my rings! That's a huge problem!"

I looked at Sonic confused. Rings?

"What are these rings, Sonic?"

"Okay, rings are how all advanced cultures travel between worlds, and now mine are on top of a pointy building I've only ever seen on your dad's skintight T-shirt."

My dad tried to say something back, but he couldn't muster a word. I laughed at my dad's loss of words, making Sonic chuckle also. However, Sonic quickly went back to being serious.

"So, I'd like you to take me to San Francisco, so I can get back my rings and use them to get to the mushroom planet."

My dad looked completely done. I never expected to hear a sentence like that. Also, I feel like a mushroom planet would suck. My dad rubbed his eyes and looked at Sonic.

"Mushroom planet?"



Suddenly, my dad pulled over. He reached over Sonic and I and opened the passenger door.

"Okay, pal. Out you go."

Sonic and I looked at my dad shocked.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Look, this is the worst possible time for me, and especially my daughter, to get into trouble, okay? You asked us to save your life, we saved your life. Now, please... Go find your rings... and your mushroom land. Hopefully, I'm gonna wake up in a hospital bed and the doctor's gonna tell me that my colonoscopy was a big success. Okay? So, goodbye."

I gave my dad a disappointed look, feeling Sonic move out of the car. I looked at him concerned. I didn't want him to leave yet. I had just found him again.

"Okay. Bye."

Sonic stood next to the truck. He didn't move an inch.

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