Battle On The Road

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Y/n's P.O.V

We were back on the road. We sped passed a sign welcoming us to California. The events from last night kept replaying in my mind.

Sonic and I kissed. Just the thought of it made my face turn red. I kept my face down so that nobody would notice.

I wasn't entirely listening to the conversation going on between my dad and Sonic. I guess my dad embarrassed Sonic by saying that Sonic wasn't his best friend. That's about all I really heard.

But my attention was grabbed by Sonic shouting.

"You're leaving Green Hills?!"

My dad sighed and turned away.


"B-B-But why? Why would you leave Green Hills?"

"This may be hard for you to understand, but Green Hills is a small town. It's a very small town."

"Uh, it's not small. There are hundreds of people."

"That's a small town, dude!"

"It's a perfect town, and the people there need you."

"Please. I clean out their gutters. I jump-start their cars in the winter. They could call anybody to do that."

"Sure, they can call anybody, but they don't. They call you."

I watched the two of them argue. Sonic was right, but I couldn't turn against my dad. I felt so useless, but I quickly became nervous. Why? Well, because I noticed a strange vehicle behind us in the mirror.

"Ummm.... guys."

The vehicle was quickly approaching us, but nobody seemed to be listening to me.


I noticed a harpoon coming out of an opening that appeared on the vehicle. It was aiming straight for us. However, Sonic and my dad just kept arguing.

"Please just listen to me!"

Nobody would listen. I noticed the harpoon fire out of the vehicle. I quickly grabbed Sonic, pulling him down beside me.

"Sonic, get down!"

The harpoon smashed through the back window, shooting right into the dashboard. Sonic and my dad looked at it in shock. My dad kept the car under control, all of us looking back at the vehicle quickly.

The vehicle started pulling the truck back towards it, but Sonic didn't seem to want to give up his argument. He jumped out of my arms, standing up on the seat.

"You know what? I was wrong about you. You're not the Donut Lord at all. You're more like the Jerk Lord."

My dad was trying to keep the truck from being pulled back.

"Have you noticed the harpoon stuck in our dash?!"

My dad slammed his foot into the gas pedal, losing control of the car and slamming into a guardrail, grinding the truck against it. Sonic flew out of the window, grabbing onto the truck and landing on the hood.

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