New members arrival 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦

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Author's POV  - 

Days were passing in drikshit life with full of happiness .. no sadness no sorrow both were impatiently waiting for their new members arrival .. both went through many ups and down but always stay beside each other and support each other .. rakshit being a great husband and to be father never left drishti 's side always there to help her , make her happy , clear her insecurities and what not .. on the other side rakshit is also tired but never show it to drishti because he also know that drishti is suffering more than him not suffering but yeah it was their first pregnancy so things were difficult for them .. mahima , divya and shikhar all help them but drishti require constant attention of rakshit especially . she can't even spend few second without him .. She is now Nine months pregnant , her due date is in few weeks and both were equally tensed .. 

Drishti 's cravings mood swings were at peek .. The girl who never cried, now can easily cry in few minutes .. Both were happy ... rakshit always spend his time in speaking with babies and they also response him by kicking .. 

There are still few days left in drishti 's  delivery ... both were equally nervous.. It mid night drikshit were sleeping peacefully .. rakshit was back hugging her ... but in few minutes drishti woke up from her sleep .. she started craving for something spicy and some thing sweet .. so she shake rakshit but of no use as rakshit was very tired and in deep sleep ... so she shouted ... 

Drishti - mr shergillll ... 

Rakshit - huh kya hua tumhe dard ho rha hai chalo hospital chalte hai.. he said in painced voice ..  

Drishti  - no no no I want to have some thing spicy and sweet .. 

Rakshit - oh he relaxed ..  what you want to have ? 

Drishti - spicy and sweet too .. may be may be .. she pouted as she didn't thing about any dish ...  

Rakshit - okay should I bring spicy maggi with suji ka halwa .. 

Drishti - yummm ... go go go fast and bring it for me .. I am damn hungry .. 

Rakshit - okay I am making it but don't sleep till I came back .. she nodded .. 

Soon rakshit left for the kitchen and fastly made dishes and went to his room and saw drishti is about to sleep her head of dropping she is trying hard to control her sleep rakshit found it cute and bring dishes to her .. she hardly have few spoons than went to deep slumber ... he smiled and kissed her forehead and went back to sleep .. 

IN morning everybody was in hall chatting and laughing suddenly drishti felt sharp pain in her stomach ..

Drishti - ahhh ... rakshit .. 

Everybody run toward her .. 

Rakshit - kya hua Mrs. shergill .. 

Drishti - It's paining  paining a lot ...  she said and again cried in pain .. rakshit also started getting panic and pick her up in his arm .. 

Rakshit - shikhar car nikalo .. divya drishti ki files le aao .. hum hospital ja rahe hai .. 

everybody ran towards the hospital .. drishti 's pain was becoming unbearable.. rakshti try to console her .. he was saying her to take deep breathe  .. both reached hospital and directly went to the ICU ... drishti never left rakshit 's hand so after arguing with the doctor .. they let rakshit in with drishti .. 

she was crying in pain after one hour of labor .. the first child come  out ..  there world seems stop for few moment when they heard cries of a baby their baby .. their eyes welled up .. 

Doctor - it is a boy .. congratulation MR and Mrs shergill .. they just see him once and nurse took him for cleaning .. after 1 minute drishti started crying again   in pain .. 

Doctor - It is the time for second baby to come out  .. Push Drishti .. Push .. 

Drishti - no can't  -- I  can't - .. 

Doctor - shit she is getting tired .. push drishti .. 

Rakshit - Mrs. shergill relax just few minutes more than we will have our second kid please don't loose hope  ...push push  ... she did 

Drishti - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soon they heard another cry of kid .. 

Doctor - It is a girl Mr and mrs shergill congrats  again ..  

soon Drishti went to deep sleep and nurse took the kid for bathing and for cleaning  .. soon nurse arrived with two little bundle of joy and drishti also gain back her consciousness .. nurse hand over the baby to rakshit .. he hold his girl in his arm and baby instantly smile .. and than nurse carefully hand over him the boy who also smiled at his dad .. rakshit look at his kids with teary eyes which are full of love and happiness .. drishti was staring at his husband who is in cloud nine ... rakshit notice drishti 's staring  .. 

Rakshit - mrs . shergill look at them they are so cute look they are almost identical .. look my princess she so cute and beautiful just like you and my prince is handsome just like me  .. but soon they started crying  .. nurse told them to feed kids .. Drishti breastfeed them and rakshit helped her .. drishti admire her kids which are now smiling at her  .. like saying that their tummy is full she softly kissed their forehead and felt somebody side hug her and saw rakshit side hugging her and thank kissed their small forehead and than kissed drishti 's forehead .. 

Rakshit - thank you so much mrs .shergill .. 

Drishti - thank you to you too .. 

Their moment was broke by their family who came to their room .. mahima saw her grandkids and smiled with tears ..  she hold baby boy and smarth hold baby girl  .. everybody was very happy .. and shivya was so excited to play with her brother and sister .. 

The QUEEN 's life changed from the worst to the best .... the Queen who never thought of getting married is now mother of two kids .. everything is changed for the good ..  

************************************** THE END **********************************************

precap - epilogue .........

So guys here is the last part hope you all like it .. 

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