Chapter Twelve

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While Leo and Colt were sat outside for quite some time, contemplating life and its various possible meanings, Aurora was with Dana as the two of them discussed the next ability that she would be training. Her first ranking had been blue- gravity. She was now moving ahead to using the next power that she had grown aware of during her time at Lark Richmonds' laboratory- supersonic- the ability to break objects using high and intense frequencies of sound.  Aurora and Dana had begun to train in the training room that Aurora had recently discovered was attached to Dana's main office. 

"Dana...I never asked this before," Aurora said, as she took a break from using her supersonic abilities for a moment. They could take a lot out of her.

"What is it?" Dana asked. 

"What kind of abilities to you have?" Aurora asked her. 

"The ability to craft objects I desire," Dana stated, "And the ability to move the air. I am an earth form, mainly, though," she said. 

"When did you find that out?" Aurora asked her. 

"Well, I skipped the system. I wasn't chipped as a child," Dana told her. 


Dana just shrugged. 

"My parents were wealthier. They paid off the doctors so that I wouldn't have to have the procedure," Dana recalled. 

"You could do that?" Aurora asked. 

"Apparently so," Dana said, "Although my parents fell sick onboard the star craft with me and passed away around five years ago," she stated, with a sigh. 

Aurora just looked towards her sympathetically then. 

"Don't worry about me. I had a good childhood, for the most part," Dana said. 

Aurora had too, for as long as she had her parents, that was. Once she had been made to go aboard the NS29, she had felt as though she had been torn from her family, and as such felt as though her childhood had been stripped away. Fortunately, though, Aurora had met Nova onboard the star craft, which had offered some solace from such an experience as the two of them quickly made a make-shift family between them and Halcy. When Aurora thought about her friend, who sadly hadn't made it, she couldn't help but for her face to become more solemn. 

Dana appeared to catch on to Aurora's expression, then, as she told her, "We have to move on. That's what they would want us to do," she said. 

She said that, but Aurora couldn't help but think back on her childhood from time to time. She would never forget her life on her home planet for as long as she could continue remembering details of her life with her family. This was a matter that was now a distance away, though, both literally and in time. 

While Aurora and Dana continued to train together for a few more moments, Leo and Colt had finished up their conversation. 

Nova soon wandered outside to find Colt there looking out into the trees, watching Percy walk around. 

He looked a little startled as he noticed Nova nearby him. 

She just gave a gentle chuckle. 

"Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you," she told him, as she offered him a drink. He just shook his head. 

"I keep thinking he's going to try and eat me," Colt stated. 

Nova raised an eyebrow in humorous nature then. 

"Nah, Percy is a good wolf and guardian, too," she told him. 

Colt just gave a simple nod in thoughtfulness, then. 

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