Chapter Twenty-Two

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As the trees began to turn from shades of green to ambers and reds outside his window, Jeremy reflected on how his life had changed over the past few months, too. He was now married to Lani, and currently working alongside a society of extraterrestial beings in order to discover what was happening with the incoming space craft from Tuldrox and the increased awareness of alien beings upon planet earth among the government and scientists. This was down to the betrayal of one of their own team.

It still shocked Jeremy that somebody could have done such a thing. However, he knew that it had happened because the Tuldrox and Galavers had abilities that the humans could use to their advantage. Despite the humans having developed technology to do a vast variety of things in the 31st century, there were still many things that could not be done outside of the supernatural.  Dana had warned Jeremy of this matter and urged him to keep himself and his family safe during this time.

Gul Rixe Dana had written at the end of her email. It was a rough Galaverian translation which meant she was wishing him good fortune. At least, that's what she had explained it to mean at the end of the email.

Jeremy smiled with more optimism at the screen then.

Meanwhile, Dana had knocked upon Lani's door, so Lani quickly headed down the hall to answer it.

"Dana," Lani said with a kind smile, as she answered the door in her satin dress robe, "Ten minutes?" she asked as she allowed Dana to wander inside.

"Of course," Dana replied.

Lani went to get dressed, then, combing through her hair and brushing her teeth in the bathroom for a short while. She then headed back into the bedroom and pause for a moment as she gazed lovingly at her husband who had fallen asleep again. She knew she never wanted to lose Jeremy. Her heart had been broken into pieces when she lost her first husband, and she was so glad to finally be happy again.

Dana, too, had experienced heartbreak. Losing her parents, for one thing, and letting Peia go for another. However, she knew it was the best thing to have done. She loved her dearly, but Dana was a loving soul, and that was why she wanted to work with strength to ensure that Lani's family and her own were safe and well during these times. There was currently much uncertainty given the approaching landing of the Tuldrox ship.

Of course, Dana had not come to Lani's house unaccompanied, and as she went to speak with Jeremy, Colt was who Lani met in the hall.

"Good morning, Lani," he said to her.

"Hi Colt," Lani replied with a friendly smile, then.

Colt ultimately wanted to be as involved with the scientific community as was possible. He wanted to get a job with them, but aside from that, he felt it important to find out what was occurring. This especially included the problems that may come with the government beginning to find out more about the extraterrestrial life on Earth. Colt knew Aurora relied on him as much as he did on her, and so felt it important to protect her.

Lani and Colt wandered into her office.

"We do not know much yet," Lani said, when Colt questioned her on it.

"We don't need to. I won't let them cause harm to Aurora or any of the members of Dana's society, for that matter," he told her firmly.  

Lani gave an understanding nod. Of course she was aware of the connection between Colt and Aurora, and she was not going to step in the way of that.

While Colt and Lani continued to discuss these matters, Thea had joined Albi in his room.

"What brings you here?" Albi asked her. He was currently playing a game called Rising Demons 3. Thea just looked towards the screen with interest.

Invaded (Abducted #2) Completed ✅Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora