Chapter Thirty-Five

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It was certainly no surprise, to most beings at the sanctuary, that Vela had ended up dead. After all, they believed that if you expected too much from the world, karma would bite you. Vela had certainly wanted too much from the universe. She had wanted to administer power and control over people which had ultimately led to her downfall. Earth did not take lightly to an outsider seeking domination over it, Aurora thought, as she sat with Thea in the forest, in the light of a new day. Vela's body had been disposed of the previous evening. They had set it alight. Galavers were known for their traditions, after all. It just happened that some of them could be fairly brutal. However, Aurora believed that Vela had been playing with fire for far too long. It was unsurprising that she had ended up burnt. Literally. 

Aurora turned to Thea. She didn't say a word to her because she felt that she may benefit from the quiet. After all, she had lost her mother and brother, now. Thea had been angry, but she knew that vengeance had been served appropriately for the crimes that the Tuldroxi, Vela, had committed. 

Thea told Aurora that she needed a moment alone, and so, soon after that, Aurora gave her a kind smile as she wished her well and wandered back into the base. 

This left Thea in the peace of the red forest, as she tried to distract her mind from plaguing her with the losses she had been through. Lani had told her a long time ago that it was okay to remember the things that hurt, but now that Thea actually had to do such a thing, she didn't understand how this could ever be okay. Her family had been stripped from her. The only person she had left was Jeremy, now, and she had never been kind to him...she had accused him of being the one to have betrayed the scientific community. Never had she ever expected for it to turn out that her own mother was responsible for such an act. 

Nova had only recently discovered the existence of the Proditori, but she was glad that a member of their kind was now gone. She just felt so saddened for her friend Thea, it had become as though her grief was her own. She went to sit beside her and didn't speak for a moment. However, Thea knew that if there was anyone she wanted to talk to in that moment, then it was Nova. She had only recently met her, yet the two of them had become firm friends. 

Thea took Nova's hand in her own, and Nova met her gaze with a warm smile. A smile that said everything she currently didn't know how to put into words. Thea feared that if she tried to speak it would come out all wrangled, like a cry. Usually when Thea was saddened by something, she would turn to her studies. She was very interested in English and writing, however she had become more interested in learning about Galaveri and Tuldrox when she had become friends with extraterrestrials. Now, though, Thea didn't feel like doing much of anything. 

"I think I want to go back into the base," Thea said then. 

"It's okay if you don't feel ready to yet-" Nova started. 

Thea just turned to her. 

"All of you have taken care of me. I want to be there," Thea said decisively. 

Nova just simply gave a murmur of agreement as the two girls ventured back into the sanctuary. 

Thea soon saw Leo, who wandered over to her. He looked, for a moment, as though he was unsure of what to do- whether to hug Thea, give her kind words or simply a warm smile. He settled on the latter. 

"It's nice to see you, Thea," he told her. 

Thea nodded, "You too, Leo. Always. I think I want to go and speak with Dana. Is she here?" 

"She's in her office, if you want to go and speak with her I am sure she would be more than glad to see you are safe and well," Leo said. 

Thea met him with an expression of appreciation then, as she headed down the hall towards Dana's office, and knocked upon it a few times before being called in. 

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