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"Lexi hunny wake up, Billies leaving" my mom shouts shaking me. I instantly snap up and jump out of bed confused. I didn't think she would leave.

I leave my bedroom and find her standing at the front door with her bags saying goodbye to my sister.

"I thought you were staying all week" my sister groans.

"I know, i just have some stuff to do" Billie replies, sounding drained.

I walk to the front door with my mom and Billie looks at me in sadness. I remain silent, not wanting to cry again. She says goodbye to my mom and turns to me.

"I'll help you take your bags out" I say grabbing a suit case and heading outside out of my mom and my sisters sight. I put the suitcase in the car and close the door. Billie walks up to me and cups my cheeks, placing a small kiss on my lips before stepping back slowly , letting me go.

"Just remember i love you ok?" She says before opening the car door for herself. I nod.

"i love you to" i reply.
Her arms wrap around me, pulling me into her warm embrace. I'll miss this girl. She smiles one last time before getting in the car and closing the door. I watch as the car drives off and that's when i feel the tears again. I don't know when i'm going to see her again.

I go inside and run upstairs past my family, them sending me questioning looks.

"Lexi what's wrong?" my mom shouts after me. I ignore her and lock my bedroom door behind me.

Short chapter i know. I was continuing from the last one. I'm gonna do a next chapter that is set a few months later or something.

thanks for your support.

everything i wanted ; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now