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The meet and greet was really awkward, I don't want to talk to Billie at the moment. Its like she is ashamed at the fact that we are together or she is still hung up over Que.

Talking of him, he was stood with Maggie the whole meet and greet trying to distract fans while I took the photos. He does seem really nice and I respect him for that, but I dont trust him around Billie.

Soundcheck isn't bad, I'm kinda just sat with Claudia watching. They told me I don't need to take photos of it anymore so that's good.

"Yo can I put bitches broken hearts in the setlist" Billie asks her sound guy.

"Yeah sure, Ill add it in" he says.

They start playing the song and Billie dances along, feeling herself up and dancing sexually. Eli and Isaac begin grinding on each other jokingly.

Billie looks at Que smiling as she lifts up her shirt a little showing her thong while dancing. I shake my head and tell Claudia i'm leaving before running up the stage stairs and heading into the back.

I accidentally run into Jessie Reyez who puts her hands out to stop me.

"You ok gorgeous?" she asks, seeing the disappointment in my face. I take and deep breath me smile.

"Yeah yeah i'm fine" I say and walk past her outside to the tour buses. A few fans are already here queuing and send me a big smile.

I type in the bus code making sure to hide it from people round me and jump on it.

I receive a text on my friend from Billie.

bil: hey mama if your in the bus, do you mind bringing my inhaler, its in my bunk.

She literally has no fucking idea does she. I roll my eyes and grab it from the wall pocket beside her bed and head back into the arena. I walk back onto the stage just as there about to soundcheck bad guy.

"Billie there" I say giving it to her and walking away. I think she knows i'm annoyed now because shes sending me questioning looks. 

I decide to sit in Finneas's dressing room while I send the meet and greet photos out. It's quiet in there so I wont get distracted, considering everyone is in Billie's.

Billie and I haven't haven't really been going well recently. I have no idea why and I don't understand it but it's just the way it is I guess.

"Hey bro" Finneas says entering his room. He sits down next to me and faces me.

"Hey" I say closing my laptop.

Claudia also enter and its the opposite side of me.

"You know I dont understand what Billie is doing either. She love's you a lot everyone know's that. But for some reason she doesn't do great in relationships. I dont even Billie know's what is wrong with her. Her management dont care who she dates, nobody does. I think her last relationship fucked her up a bit" Finneas tells me.

"I agree, I don't think she fully recovered from the way he treated her" Claudia adds.

I sigh and look down.

What the fuck do I do.

everything i wanted ; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now