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My mom and dad went on vacation today so its just me and my sister Megan at home. At least we get a good bonding session. I haven't really checked up on how she's doing. Its Friday so shes at school till 3, ill pick her up after.

I finally saw my car my parents got me too, it's a matte white range rover, i'm in love with it so much. I also think Lucie is coming to stay with me all week.

"Get in loser were going shopping" I shout out the widow of my car, mimicking mean girls and pulling up at my best friend's house. I'm dragging Lucie out to the mall because I need new clothes for tour.

I feel my phone vibrating and hand it to Luce while I drive down the road. She answers it and puts it on loud speaker.

"Hey lexi I have a question" my sister says on the phone.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I have a boyfriend, I want you to meet him and for him to stay at our house in the spare room" she begs. My eyes widen in shock. My sister is dating what the fuck.

"Erm... yeah.. sure ok" I say, not really knowing how to react.

"Thank you i love you bye" she says quickly and ends the call.

I look at Lucie in shock. My little 15 year old baby sister has a boyfriend. No.

"Shall we bring the guys round so they can bond with him?" She asks.

"Good idea" I respond, tapping my steering wheel with my hands. Fucking crazy bro.

After the mall, Lucie and I drive to the school to collect my sister and her boyfriend. I dont know if to act protective or cool, what the fuck.

Anyway the mall was a success i'm happy.

We pull up in the carpark, surprisingly next to our friend Alex who's picking up his brother. "Yo al, my house tonight yeah my sisters got a boyfriend I need your help" I shout out of Lucie's window. He sticks his thumbs up at us as his brother gets in the car.

A few minutes later my sister and some kinda tall blonde kid come strolling to my car. I mean he's not bad I guess. She opens the car door and gets in with her boyfriend.

"Hi" I say, turning round so I can see them in the back. "Im lexi and this is my friend lucie" I add.

"I'm Mason, thanks for letting me stay" he says putting his seatbelt on. I smile and nod, turning back round again and widening my eyes at L.

I start the car and drive out of the carpark, waving at Alex.

"How was school" I say, stopping at the lights.

"Terrible I hate my teachers" Megan says. Just as i'm about to reply my phone rings again on Lucie's lap.

"Its billie shall i answer it" She asks and I nod. Lucie presses the green button and puts it on loud speaker shushing everyone.

"Hey baby" I hear Billie's voice say all raspy, i think shes been sleeping. Megan looks at me weirdly through the mirror.

"Hi bil, your on loudspeaker, i'm in the car with Lucie, my sister and her new boyfriend mason" I say.

"Wait facetime me I wanna see" she says and starts video calling my phone. Lucie answers and turns the camera to show my sister and Mason in the back and then moves it onto me.

"oooo Megan has a boyfriend" Billie says with a funny smirk on her face.

"Wait is that actually Billie Eilish?" Mason asks confused.

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