Chapter 4

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"S-sorry it's kind of messy." He apologised whilst rushing around trying to clean the "mess" up.

"It's not messy at all." I reassured him. I mean there were like 2 plates left on the table, I wouldn't call that a mess. Now my bedroom back home, that was a goddamn mess.

"Sit, sit, I'll get you some tea." He gestured for me to sit on the sofa as he rushed into the kitchen.

Why was he rushing around so nervously? It's making me nervous too.

"Oi, Sam." The front door burst open and a male voice sounded from the entryway. "I heard there's a par-" I turned to see a brown haired, golden eyed guy standing frozen at the entrance to the room I was seated in. Before I could react he had already grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me out to the front door.

"Let. Let me. GO." I struggled in his grip and tried sitting down on the ground to stop him from throwing me out.

"Look, you may be a fan or whatever but don't think you have the right to break into my home." He glared icily at me.

"Kris what are you doing?" Samuel rushed to pull the guy's hand off of me and apologised profusely. "I'm really sorry. It's just because some girls recently broke in here and waited for him, he's kind of on edge."

Ew, he thought I was his fan? I gagged internally at the thought, why would I be his fan? I don't even know him.

"Fan? Of what?" I glanced at the guy then at Samuel with a raised brow.

"Hah, as if you don't know." The guy laughed arrogantly and I could barely stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"It's pretty weird not to know." Samuel nodded in agreement.

"Ah, yeah I totally remember now. You're that guy." I clapped as if I suddenly remembered something.

How was it weird not to know? Even globally famous celebrities are unknown in certain countries. And this guy doesn't look like all that, now Samuel on the other hand...

"Yeah that's me." He huffed proudly and my inner eyes were rolling.

"Can I get an autograph or something?" I couldn't muster up enough shits to give so my voice came out lacklustre but he was still standing with his chest jutted out proudly.

"Yeah sure." He signed some merch he had lying around and I clapped in pseudo-excitement before following Samuel into the kitchen to help him.

"Who is he?" I whispered once we got out of earshot of the guy. His eyes widened slightly.

"You really don't know him?"


"Why'd you ask for his autograph then?" Samuel asked furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"I felt like he'd get angry if I said I didn't know him. It's better to pretend in scenarios like these." I shrugged as I handed him a few mugs from their stand.

"Pfft." He slapped his hand over his mouth trying to muffle the laughter. "You really don't know Kristoffer? But you said you read about him before." He spoke after regaining his composure.

"That's Kristoffer? No way." I hurried over to the kitchen door to glance into the living room and saw him lazing about on the sofa. "Seriously?" His eyes briefly met mine before I pulled my head back into the kitchen.

"...Yeah." His answer came out somewhat hesitantly causing me to turn back towards him.

That's the lead in the story? Him? This stupid author I'll kill them. 'What the hell, Samuel's so much better looking!'

"Ow." Samuel's hand jerked backwards as if burned by something.

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing." He turned around to face me with a flushed face. I scrambled over to the cinnamon roll and saw he had accidentally burned himself with the tea. He was shaking his hand trying to cool it down.

"It's really nothing." He squeaked out as I dragged him to the sink and ran cold water over the burn.

"Just leave it under the tap for a few minutes. I'll go clean up the spill."

"T-thanks." My eyebrows twitched in confusion at the sudden shyness Samuel was exhibiting.

"I can't believe this." Kristoffer's angry voice suddenly cut through the somewhat awkward atmosphere. "You think Samuel's better looking?"


There goes that mug of tea I was holding. Did I say that out loud? Seriously? I slapped my mouth repeatedly as if to admonish it.

"Well sorry about this mug and all but I think this is my cue to leave." I glanced at the frozen Samuel and the angry Kristoffer before rushing out of their apartment. When I was finally as far as my shaky legs could take me, I patted my racing heart and cringed hard as I recalled the situation again. "My mum worked so hard to raise a lunatic like me."

"Hello Lunatic."

"Ahh." My scream pierced the air and after the initial surprise wore off I looked down to the man chilling on the park bench. "Ahh." I screamed again and turned to run for it.

"The game didn't last very long did it?" He slowly stood up dusting his trousers whilst nodding for the two guys blocking my way to leave.

What is this guy? How bad is my luck for me to run straight to him, and twice at that? Or how good is he at hide-and-seek that he could look so laid back, like he hadn't even been searching for me, and still find me?

"Yep, so let's have an extension. It's boring if it ends this quickly. Am I right? Yup, I'm right." I was about to run when my legs suddenly gave way. "No way... seriously?" I slapped my legs in anger. Was now really when they'd decided they'd had enough? What was the use in training for cross country 10 years ago when I couldn't even run when I needed to most?

"I guess the game's finished." Luther pulled me up by the armpits and began dragging me towards his car.

"No, wait, not yet... Time out!" I yelled causing him to pause. "Right, these games usually have a time out. Let's have a 5 minute rest then restart the game. What do you think?" I tilted my head backwards to look him in the eye with desperation filling my gaze.

"..." His pause raised my spirits as he looked to actually be taking it into consideration. "Don't you usually call timeout before getting caught?" He grinned down at me as he began pushing me into the backseat of his car.

"B-b-but this isn't a normal game of tag. So the rules shouldn't be normal either right?" I pleaded with him whilst he buckled my seatbelt in.

"What's so different about this game compared to normal tag?" He asked as he buckled himself in, chuckling when he saw me struggling to open the already locked door.

"My life is on the line."

"But you can't die." He rebutted.

"... That's not true. I'm sure that's not true."

"Would you like to prove it?" He pulled his gun out slowly and began aiming it towards me.

"N-N-N-No." I pulled my arms up to shield my face and when I heard no gunshot peaked between them to see he had already put it away.

"Good girl." He faced the front with a small smile playing on his lips.

A/N: lol she tried yk

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