Chapter 20

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"Okay." Samuel and I had been going back and forth for a while now after my "joke" had gone too far and it was decided that him and I would be sharing a room.

"I can't." I squeaked out as I jumped out of bed almost tripping over Samuel who was currently camped out on the floor.

I can't share a room with a guy. I know I did it before, I mean I shared a bed which was worse, but I was half-asleep and my rational thinking was inhibited.

"Mm." Samuel agreed while burying his head in his hands, an all too familiar action reflecting his embarrassment.

"Sis are you sleeping?" There was a knock at the door before it was slammed open. "I see he's here." Ian glared at Samuel whilst holding onto his pillow. "It's not fair that he can sleep in your room and I can't." He whined as he approached me with his watery puppy eyes.

"No, no I don't know you. I don't know you, don't look at me like that. Go back to your room." I mumbled covering my eyes as I stepped backwards away from this siscon.

"Yes, I agree with Ian's line of thinking." My father shamelessly stood at the doorway feigning a thoughtful look as he held onto his own pillow. "So Ian and I will also sleep here today. To guard you against a rabid dog. I mean because we also would like to have a slumber party." He covered the smirk he sent towards Samuel with a cough and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the childishness of the two of them. Although, Ian was still quite young, come on dude you're supposed to be a dad at least grow up a little.

"Okay let's just sleep." I mumbled as I staggered over to my bed, those fluttery feelings from early had been completely replaced by fatigue.

"Eh? You're just going to sleep, like that? Boo, so boring. We need to play games and stuff." My father blinked in shock as he tried to light the way for the young ones. The way of slumber party etiquette.

"Ehehe, yeah we need to talk about some fun stuff. Like, uhm, you know like for example Jessica in my class she actually has a crush on her best friends boyfriend." Ian giggled conspiratorially as he glanced left and right before he began gossiping. My father gasped after hearing this as he clutched the pillow tighter to his chest.

"I'm sleeping." I yawned not bothering to think too much about how these guys were playing the roles of those in a typical females sleepover. I fell asleep to the sound of Ian's and father's giggles.

!! An unexpected POV has appeared!!
*Samuel's POV*
As soon as Autumn had fallen asleep the two men's giggles had immediately stopped and their laughter was replaced with a straight face.

"She asleep?" Her father asked Ian who was leaning over her to see if she had actually fallen asleep.

"Mm~ she's so cute when she sleeps." Ian smiled as he poked her cheek then turned to me with a smirk. As if to say 'look I'm touching her, and you can't'.

"Good, now let's talk, you and I, little boy." Her father turned back towards me whilst shooting me a withering glare. I couldn't help but shrink back and try to avoid meeting his gaze.

"W-what about?"

"First things first how old are you?" He asked tapping his pillow impatiently.

"24." I answered causing both Ian and his father to gasp.

"Disgusting, you creep my daughter's only 21. You think it's right for you to be looking at her with those love-filled eyes?" Autumn's father dropped his pillow in shock.

Was it that obvious? No way right?


"Disgusting, how dare you approach my young and innocent sister." Ian spat momentarily looking away from Autumn to glare at me.

"Leonard Mitchel Adams, if you don't leave Autumn's room in 5 seconds I will come in there and personally whoop your ass." Autumn's father jumped at the sound of his wife's voice and Ian immediately stopped stroking Autumn's face.

"Shit." Ian muttered as him and his father ran from the room to avoid the woman's wrath.

I sighed in relief thanking Autumn's mother a thousand times over in my mind. I don't think I could deal with being interrogated by the pair.

I glanced over at Autumn who had stayed asleep throughout the whole ordeal when she suddenly turned over.

Her sleeping face is quite cute... It's not bad to look at it for a bit is it?

Her cheek looks really soft... Is this why Ian kept poking it? Before I could stop myself I reached out to poke her cheek.

"It's really squishy." I mumbled comparing it to the feel of my own cheek.

"Mm." Autumn mumbled turning away from me.

"W-wait, I'm not don-" I could feel my face heating up as I realised what I was doing. "I'm acting like a real creep." I scrunched up my face in disgust as I went to lay back down on my mattress.

I should just go to sleep before I cross the line...

I can't sleep.

I groaned as I buried my face into the pillow. I flipped over facing away from her to try and calm the butterflies in my stomach.

I'll just look at her, just for a while. No, wait that's not right. That's so creepy, what the hell is wrong with me? Just sleep, sleep.

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four...

Before long I found myself leaning over her bed trying to get a look at her sleeping face again.

A/N: a chapter in which we see Samuel becoming the old perv Autumns family knew him to be lol. I tried making a cake today and it turned out alright started not caring around the end tho lol woopz

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