Chapter 19

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After 2 hours of futile persuasion Autumn had finally given up trying to convince these strangers that she was not their kin.

"Dinner was great." I praised showing the woman two thumbs up after I put down the knife and fork.

"..." She stares at me blankly before a few tears began dripping down. "You've never complimented my food before... Even though I made your most hated dish. Y-you can't be Autumn."

"What? Seriously this is what proves the point I've been trying to make for the past I don't even know how long?" I pulled at my hair in frustration. "And why are you cooking something your daughter hates to welcome her back?"

"No, wait, this gesture of hair pulling it has to be Autumn." The lady corrected herself pulling her lips up into a grin while wholeheartedly ignoring my question. "She must have learned some manners from wherever she disappeared to. Thank you mystery kidnapper, but if you ever touch my kid again..." Her heartfelt thanks turned into an unspoken threat.

Even if you're not my parents you're more than welcome to avenge my kidnapping. I'll even give you the address of the place I had been held at.

Oh Luther, it'll be fun seeing this obviously unhinged woman visiting you.

"Unhinged? Autumn how could you speak about your mother like that?" My "father" spoke angrily but his eyes seemed to be agreeing with my statement.

"Gasp." I gasped.

"Me? I would never say such a thing." I shook my hands and head as if to proclaim my innocence with my whole body.

"Oh it's seems like your manners have worsened and your lies have weakened. I really must speak to the man who thought to take you from me." The lady ran a finger down the steak knife gently while adorning a threatening grin.

"Honey, put the knife down."

Wow. What is this obvious deja vu feeling? This phrase, it can't be... This scenario is awfully reminiscent of a certain blonde haired psycho being coaxed by a lovely man.

"Mother, mother." Ian jumped up suddenly raising his hand as if in a classroom. When the lady gestured for him to continue he beamed as he said something equally as terrifying as the woman caressing the knife. "I don't think a knife would do. I just remembered uncle Will has a 350 kilowatt chainsaw he got for free with his body bag purchase. Surely he would allow us to borrow it!" He exclaimed while my "mother" looked on in awe.

"At least one of my children is sane." She praises as she smiled and patted his head lovingly. My "father" on the other hand was sharing the same look of shock and fear as Samuel and I.

What happened to the puppy like boy? The one who comforted my very soul with that small embarrassed smile? Even though I let some of his past comments slide, but this, this was something else altogether.

"I-Ian." I called out tentatively trying to pull him away from the bad influence that is that lady. "You shouldn't act like this, it's not normal. It's never good to threaten to cut up a person into a hundred tiny pieces and throw him into the sea to become fish food, okay?" He looked confused as I explained to him what was wrong.

It wasn't too late to set this youth onto the right path. Then he buried his face into my shoulder while nodding his head in understanding. "Good boy." I praised as I pat his head before trying to push him off of me only to see him smirking at Samuel over my shoulder.

Yep, his character is twisted. It'll be difficult to fix this, let's just ignore it. I thought to myself as I pushed him away with slightly more force and backed away closer to Samuel.

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