Chapter 8

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"Who was that black haired guy?" Luther asked inquisitively as I sat glaring at the driver's seat with my arms crossed.

I'm not talking to you. You should've let me punch the guy at least once. Why did you step in front of him Samuel? God damn it, I was so close to not letting them meet!

My thoughts were in a mess and the rest of the car-ride was in complete silence as Luther realised I was not in the mood to talk.

When I finally reached my bedroom I flopped down onto my bed before reaching for my pillow to scream into. When I was finally done screaming profanities at both Kristoffer and Luther, I was chastising Samuel for blocking me.

"Is everything okay in there?" Alec asked hesitantly after knocking on the door.

"Can I get some straw and rubber bands?" I asked hoarsely.

"Luther told us not to get you that if you asked for it again." I screamed into my pillow again in frustration.

"Please? Just one more time?" I stood next to the door stroking it. "I won't try to escape for a week." I bargained.

"A month." Alec put on the table.

"14 days." I thought if I said 14 days it would sound longer then just 2 weeks and he'd agree, right?

"3 weeks, final offer."

"Sold." I murmured and some straw and rubber bands were immediately slid into the room. "You, how long have you been holding onto this?"

"After the fourth time you asked for it. Make sure to keep your end of the deal."

"Damn it, I could've bargained for a shorter sentence." I kicked the door at my loss.

"Yep. If only you had said two weeks." Alec laughed.

"Dammit... Oh, why's Ben so quiet today?" I asked as I began assembling the doll.

"He's editing some videos of boss for some fan-club or something." He answered and I mirrored the disgust in his voice.

"Perfect." I mumbled as I slipped in the paper into the doll.

And then begun the dance of stomping on and destroying the voodoo doll. But it ended all too soon as Luther suddenly entered the room.

God damn it Alec, at least give me a signal or something.

"What brings you here so late at night?" I smiled as I kicked the doll underneath my bed.

"Just a hunch." He went over to pick the doll up that had rebounded off the bed frame and headed towards him. His eyebrows raised in surprise as he saw that the slip of paper didn't have his name on it for once. "What did he do to anger you so much?"

"Nothing much." I gritted out, all of a sudden missing the feeling of the straw doll underneath my feet.

"Well, as long as it's not me, I don't really care." He exited after putting the slip of paper back into the doll and tossing it to me.

How does he manage to find out every single time? I made it quite quickly today so I doubt they had time to tell him. Well I knew this would happen so I had already planned it out.

I took out the second slip of paper in my pocket and traded it for the one with Kristoffer's name. Then just as I was about to stomp on it the door swung open and I smiled whilst kicking the doll towards my bed. Yet again I missed my target and it went hurtling towards Luther.

Please spare me, Villain!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora