Chapter 6

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I stepped out of my room wearing the mid-calf length green dress that had silver beads lining the neckline and waistline alongside my black trainers.

"These." Luther tossed a pair of silver studded high heels near my feet and I recoiled in disgust.

"I can't move in those. I'll keep these- on second thought."

Although my trainers were good to run in, in case I wanted to escape, they could not be weaponised. The high heels on the other hand. I rubbed my chin menacingly. I could maybe stab him in the eye with it or even...

"Ugh." Ben stood with his hands shielding his eyes as Alec quickly grabbed the high heels that lay near me.

"Did my thoughts leak again?" I whispered sheepishly at Alec who nodded sympathetically. Stiffly I lifted my head to look up at the bemused Luther. "Shall we go?" I asked while offering a tight lipped smile to Luther. He slowly rose from the chaise lounge he was seated on in the hallway.

The whole car ride to wherever we were going was dead silent as the sullen Luther looked out the window the entire time. We finally arrived at the Jilton hotel and I vaguely recalled reading this scene from that book.

The one I was currently inside of, if you asked me how I got here I would have to say not a clue. How I knew we were inside the book? I had met all the characters, had heard of all the places in the book, had seen firsthand the villainous activities of Luther, and so on. It took my 4th death to realise I was no longer in London, because I sure as hell wasn't immortal back there. If you wanna ask me any questions about how or why I became immortal refer to back to my line 1 of this paragraph.

As Luther led me inside I tried to recall anything I could about this part of the book, because this was the key event that set my cinnamon roll's death into motion.

Let's see... The heroine should be bullied at this party, seeing this the hero should go to rescue her, then Luther sees the teary, fairy-like heroine and falls in love (let's be honest it's more like lust but whatever). I don't know what happens in the middle but at the ends my precious cinnamon roll dies.

I grit my teeth as I send a glare towards Luther who sends me a questioning look due to my sudden hostility.

You stupid, idiot it's all your fault he dies. If you weren't so infatuated with that damn heroine he would've had a happier ending. Wait... if he doesn't meet her, he can't become obsessed with her.

"Let's go hom- wow look at these balloons Luther so cool." I ran towards the balloon arch at the entrance of the celebration hall when I felt his disapproving glare at my initial words.

"Let's go." He offered his arm to me but you see, the upside to this annoyingly shameless character I needed to play was I could get away with being annoyingly shameless.

"Waah, look at that huge cake." I rushed inside with a giggle ignoring the arm Luther held out. Darting in and out of the crowds I tried to get Luther to lose sight of me. I probably won't be able to escape as he most likely has guards stationed at the exits, but I could at least mess with him a little bit.

"Soleil!" I heard the angelic voice of my precious cinnamon roll from just behind me and I turned to see him jogging up to the girl I presume to be Soleil.

Looking more closely at his expression I could see an obvious blush as he spoke to her. He definitely had a crush on her, so cute. And there comes another reason to hate the male lead in this damn story. My precious cinnamon roll had a crush on her, and he knew her before the lead, and his looks and personality are better... But, but he had to watch his love get taken away and to top it all off, sacrifice his life for the male lead's love.

I angrily shoved a forkful of cake down my throat as I sent glares towards Soleil, for not choosing the better guy, and looked around to send glares towards Kristoffer, for being a douche.

Ah, this cake was great, but I didn't have time for this. I needed to get Soleil out of Luther's range for the time being. Samuel had already left to go find Kristoffer, to introduce him to Soleil.

"Soleil." I called out hesitantly as I walked over to her. She turned with a bright smile that flickered briefly when she realised she didn't know me. "I'm really sorry, this might seem weird, but we need to get out of here."

"Why?" She asked with a tilt of her head and I could understand at once why the guys fell for her. She was cute, mega cute, like close to Samuel cute. The way her curly brown hair fell to the side, her cute button nose, that slight flush in her cheeks her appearance just brought out the protective instinct in people.

"It's really dangerous, there's no time to explain." I grabbed her wrist and began to pull her away but she resisted and tried to yank herself free.

The way I was being treated right now... It's like I'm some kind of pervert.

"Let me go. I don't know you." She yelled drawing the attention of passerbys.

"What do you think you're doing?" Someone asked as they wrenched my hand away from Soleil.

"Look, she's in dang-" I was rudely interrupted by none other then Kristoffer.

"You're that girl."

Wow, did you really interrupt me to say that?

"Why are you bullying such a cute lady?" He glanced at the teary-eyed Soleil, then at me and then at her red streaked wrist and anger flared in his eyes.

Did I really become the bully in this scenario? She's the one who was trying to shake me off, it's not like I caused the red marks on purpose. No wait it was my fault, I forgot the heroine in this book had paper skin and glass bones.

"A-Autumn." Samuel suddenly spoke with a warm tinge to his cheeks.

"Samuel!" I was about to run to him in my excitement but was suddenly yanked back. "What?" I glared back at Kristoffer.

"We're not done talking. How dare you bully someone like-"

"Kristoffer, we don't know the situation, you shouldn't call her a bully without any evidence." Samuel interrupted with an apologetic glance towards me.

I swear to god I cannot handle this guy.

I karate chopped Kristoffer's hand forcing it to let go of the back of my dress and was about to speak when my eyes met with that familiar blue gaze. One that was familiarly filled with anger.

"I'm really sorry I wasn't trying to hurt you and I would love to stay and plead my innocence but I really must be going." I waved goodbye to Samuel who reached his hand out to stop me before I started running in the opposite direction to where Luther was coming from.

Luthers growing on me even though he keeps killing the idiot Mc. But of course no one tops best boiiiiii Samuel.

Please spare me, Villain!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt