Chapter 11

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Samuel was suddenly called out by a drunk Kristoffer so I was left alone to clean up the dishes. Yawning, I walked into my room as I reasoned that there was no need to wait up for him to come back.

If I recalled correctly this was the part of the book where Soleil had decided to break it off with Kristoffer. You know the typical bumpy relationship arc, then Kristoffer decided to get drunk and call Samuel over to listen to his troubles, whilst forcing Samuel to drink up.

The whole him sobbing and Samuel listening fiasco lasted a few hours, and pissed me off majorly. The only reason I knew about this was because it happened in chapter 2 of the book, the second out of the 4 chapters I had actually read. But, yeah the main relationship moved fast in an unhealthy way.

Even though I tried to convince Samuel to leave Kristoffer to his own devices, the selfless supporting character had to go and put up with the main lead's woes. Seeing as he wouldn't be back for a few hours I thought to myself that I might as well go to sleep.

"Autumn." A small childlike voice called out in the middle of the night, jolting me awake. "Autumn." The voice called out whilst knocking on my bedroom door. "It's me Samuel~." He sung through the door.

"Are you drunk?" I asked tiredly, after the initial fear passed, as I opened the bedroom door.

"Hehe, no." He giggled as he slipped under my arm into the room.

"..." I pinched my nose bridge as I tried to muster up some self-control.

Why was this drunk Samuel not mentioned in the book? When he had such a cute drunken habit? Why did the author not describe this, do they want to die?

"Can I sleep with you today?" He asked, already settling himself into the bed without waiting for an answer.

Why did you not describe this, author? My nose is about to bleed, it's really going to bleed. You could've warned me about this in your book, urgh what's your damn name?

"...We're too old to share a bed." Even though my perverted mind was yelling at me and calling me names for saying this. The rational part of my mind was telling me it would be best to reject this offer, because the guy was so obviously inebriated.

"But we're just going to sleep." He yawned as he snuggled himself further into the blanket.

"Yep, you're right." I nodded as I tip-toed out of the room. "But I'm not ready for that." I muttered as I went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face.

Kristoffer. I gritted my teeth clenching my hands around the sink basin. I hope to god you don't invite Samuel out for drinks, or so help me I will have to murder you.

In the book this alcohol fuelled pity-party lasted about a week. I don't think I can be toyed around like this for that long. I glanced over at Samuel's bedroom, after exiting the bathroom, thinking maybe it would be better to sleep in his room, but that was too much for me. So I just slept on the sofa, draping the throw around myself and trying to avoid lying on my injured arm.

"Autumn, why are you sleeping on the sofa?" I awoke to my shoulders being shook gently by Samuel. Sitting up and  rubbing my eyes I tried to gather my bearings.

"You came..." I paused to stifle a yawn. "... home drunk and wanted to sleep with me."

"Sleep with you?" He squeaked out, going red in the face.

"N-not in that way." I stuttered as I tried to reassure him.

"I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry. You're already sick and I forced you to sleep on the sofa." He winced as he glanced at my bandages arm.

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