88 - Unfaithful

878 19 14


Prompt - What if Francis actually married Olivia whilst Mary was away, like what was mentioned on ep 5? I'd be curious to see how people like Henry, Catherine and Mary would react!


"You stupid, stupid, sentimental, foolish, damned boy, you!" King Henry II roared like never before, accentuating each insult with a hard backhand to each cheek of his eldest legitimate son and heir. Blonde curls swung from right to left with each and every strike placed upon his face. He cringed as his mother literally had to hold his father back from him, and uncharacteristically, she began pleading with her husband.

"Henry, please!" Catherine snapped, shoving him away. No matter how foolish her son had been, she would not tolerate such violence towards him. "I know he was foolish, I know what he's done, what they've risked! But striking him will not help matters!" she pleaded. Catherine de Medici didn't even stand five foot tall, she was nothing compared to the near six foot, furious bull her husband had became after a tearful, regretful young priest had admitted what he had done with the Dauphin and Lady Olivia D'amencourt.

"The hell it will, Catherine!" he yelled, his voice booming off the walls. "Do you have any idea what that foolish boy and his whore have done, what they have risked?!" he shoved past her and made charge at his heir. Francis rose his chin, ready to accept punishment, but the King was intercepted by his bastard son.

"Father, stop!" Sebastian tried. He was floored by a strike of his own, one even harder than the treatment his half brother had received.

"Don't you dare say even one word to be, Sebastian!" Henry spat to the floored young man. "You knew what your brother planned to do! You knew he was going to burn an international alliance over a decade and a half in planning! You knew and you let him go! You didn't inform me of his plan, you stupid boys! I will deal with you later," he spat back at his two eldests. 

The enraged King marched over towards the Scottish Queen's two half brothers, François and Louis III de Longueville. Elder than the Queen herself, born from Marie de Guise's first marriage, but the two young men acted as her French correspondents. They had been sent for after the young priest had tearfully begged his King for forgiveness after his conscience could no longer handle the guilt of what he had done.

The two, one fair haired, the other dark, looked furious, having the gaul to stand and look the King in the eye. Their faces were darkened with anger, drawn and sharp.

"You must believe me, I had nothing to do with this." Henry hissed grimly. "Word has been sent to Scotland and her Queen, yes?"

"It has, King Henry." Louis grumbled, sending a harsh glare over at the fair haired Dauphin and his blonde whore, who at least had the audacity to look shamed, or at least fearful of the King's wrath, now that he knew the truth of their whereabouts on the night that the King hosted a celebration for the arrival of the new German envoy and the German King's proposal of a marriage between young Henry and a German Princess. "We were without choice but to make our sister aware of the truth of her bridegroom's intentions with his mistress."

"I am his wife!" Lady Olivia cried out from the tight hold that Henry's personal guard had her in. "We were wed in the eyes of God and our marriage is consummated, with witnesses! King Henry, please, a wealthy Italian noblewoman as Dauphine is a far better sight for France than a foreign Queen who will bleed this country dry!"

"Silence, whore!" Henry boomed. "That foreign Queen has the ability to deliver England to us! An empire! You have no right to even speak in my presence, let alone try and involve yourself in international politics." he snapped. "Couldn't you have been contented with simply whoring yourself out to Francis? Warming his bed? No, you had to go one better, pull a fast one on a King and a foreign Queen, who both have the power to crush you!" Henry boomed. "Well, believe me, whore, you have another thing coming if you have even the slightest idea of sitting upon a throne next to my son." 

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