177 - Confrontations *Modern*

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Prompt - Mary and Francis arguing about Jean in modern day. Lola's pregnant and Mary doesn't know if she wants to be with him after she finds out about what happened between them.

Side Note - I'm really really curious to see what you guys think about this one, so please leave a comment down below.


"I suppose we should talk," Francis says. Mary sighs, sniffling, wiping her eyes and turning around to look at her boyfriend as he comes from the back of the white couch to the front of it. She moves her faux fur and suede boots so he can sit down, her knees pulled to her chest. 

"Yes," she sighs, blinking at him slowly at he sat down. Francis tuts awkwardly, his knee bouncing up and down. He wears smart clothing, a pair of nice slacks and a mint button down that brings out his eyes. He looks older with the clothing, they're only seventeen, but he looks so much older now that the cloud of infidelity and accidental pregnancy looms over them both.

"I-I didn't mean for this to happen." he begins, he sounds so small, so young, so lost. All she wants is to comfort him, to be with him, but she can't. "I'm sorry." he sounds so sad. It hurts her, but she doesn't know if they can get back from this whole thing. It's so hard, she doesn't know what to do.

"I know." because she does know. She does. But it doesn't make it better. "I know." she says.

"What'll happen with us, Mary? What'll become of us?" Francis asks. Mary sighs, she shrugs. She doesn't know. She wants to be with him, but she doesn't know how to anymore. "I don't want this to end because of what happened."

"You should have thought of that before you went to her when you could have came to me." she snips, looking away from him. Her heart is so sore, she doesn't know how much more it can take.

"I was blind drunk! She was wearing an imitation of the dress that you were wearing at the party. She wore her hair the same way you wore yours, you were both in red, you look similar, and I was drunk off my ass! She didn't tell me she wasn't taking the pill! I'm so sorry that happened, I honestly thought she was you!"

"She wasn't me, Francis! She wasn't me! And now she's pregnant! And saying she was on the pill when she wasn't is so fucked up, I don't understand why you don't walk away from it! That's reproductive coercion! That's seriously fucked up, and you have no obligation to that baby because of it!" she snaps angrily. That was the reality of their situation.

"You really think I could just walk away from that child? Mary, what kind of a man do you think I am?!" he sounds angry now.

"It's not that! She lied to you about birth control, she took advantage of you! You shouldn't be lumbered with the consequences of that. But you want to be around for the child, you want to give her what she wanted in the first place, and that is you! You know how much she wants everything I have, why wouldn't she go for my boyfriend and try and get pregnant with his kid?!" she snaps furiously, getting up from the couch and walking away from him. Her eyes burn with tears again. "Why can't you just pick me, just this once? You always pick her, why can't it be me? If you love me, why can't you choose me?"

"It isn't about that, Mary." he sighs. "This isn't just you, Lola and me in the picture. It's a child, and a child should have a mother and a father, I can't just walk away. Regardless of how my father could be with my mother's children and Sebastian, I can't do that." Francis pauses. "You know I love you, I love you more than anything in this world, but I can't just walk away fromt his child who needs me."

"And in doing so, you're giving Lola what she wants. You know how she is, the amount of times she's tried to muscle into our relationship and break us apart so she could have you. It-it worked! Look at where we are now! She knows what she wants, you know what she wants, and you're giving it to her! What about me? Why am I always the one in the background? You're my boyfriend, you told me you loved me! So, why can't you just put me first? Just this once? Please?" 


She cuts him off. "No, Francis. If you want to be a dad to this baby then-" her voice catches in her throat. "I don't know if I can do this anymore." she sniffles.

"Mary, no-"

"Francis." her voice cracks. "I want you, I love you, I want to be with you, but being with you means being a stepmum, being with you means being around Lola, you know why I cut her off. Everything with Collen and the trial-" she shivers at the memory. "I can't do that. Being with you means stepping up into a parental role, and I can't do it! I'm not ready, we're not even old enough to drink yet! And you want to be a father when you have legitimate ground to remain free and young? And what will your parents say about this? They-they'll cut you off, you know how Catholic they are. I can't sit back and be a part of this, Francis. I can't."

"Are you giving me an ultimatum? The-the baby, or you?"

"No." She sniffles. "I'm asking you to think of what's best for everybody here. Pass the baby off as Julien or Remy's, you know how she plays them both. Be with me, have a better life, and we'll have kids of our own when we're ready. Don't go down this path of giving her what she wants, I can't be by your side if you do it. The thought of doing what she wants after what she did to me with Collen, I just-" her voice catches in her throat. "Being with you means stepping up and being some kind of mum and I-I can't do it, okay? I can't."

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