145 - Simultaneous Bleeding *Modern*

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Prompt - Modern Mary and Kenna getting their periods at the same time. And driving Francis and Sebastian crazy because of it.


"Mother of God!" Sebastian de Valois-Portiers yelps in frustration, glaring at the forms of his half brother and his girlfriend. "From now on, Mary, we are keeping you and Kenna away from each other at all times!" he cries out, running his hands roughly over his face. "Why-why do you girls sync up if you spend time together? How does that even work, how is it even possible?!" he cries out again. "Are you like Bluetooth speaker or something?!"

Francis opens his mouth to reply to his half brother, but Bash's own girlfriend beats him to the punch. 

"Tell me you did not just compare Mary and I to technology!" she yells angrily from the kitchen of their shared four bedroom home. Who would have thought, two sets of couples, four students living together through school would cause so much distress at certain times of the month? "Are you saying that's it's our fucking fault that Satan crawls out of our bodies every month?!" she yells angrily, leaving her strawberry-chocolate dipping duties to come inside the living room to yell at Sebastian even more. "And this shit was your idea!" she snaps angrily, pointing a chocolate covered fingertip at her boyfriend of two years. "Henry may have bought the house but you two knew what you were dealing with when you asked us to move in!" she finishes, glaring daggers into Bash's freaking soul.

"Hey!" Francis is quick to defend his pride. "I'm not complaining, it's natural. Besides, I know my duties when you and Mary get uh-" he stumbles over his words, seaming to be picking one that would mean Kenna wouldn't yell at him. "ladies time. Chocolate, tea, paracetamols and blankets." he says.

"See!" Kenna cries out, tears suddenly in her eyes. "If-if your little brother gets it, why can't you?! Sebastian, I can't control it, n-neither can she-" she looks at the interwoven couple who lay on the large sectional. "s-so why can't you just-" Bash's eyes widen as Kenna suddenly bursts into tears, crying into her hands.

"Uh-" Bash looks to Francis for help, but the blonde just shrugs and nods to Kenna's crying form. "Babe, it-it's not that. Come here-" he wraps her in his arms. "it's just when you and Mary get your uh-you know-" he says sheepishly. "I don't know how to look after you both properly. Francis is way better at this than me. I'm sorry." he goes to kiss her cheek, but she suddenly hisses loudly and shoved him away. Bash steps backwards, blinking as Kenna throws herself on the sofa, curling into the fetal position. She stops crying, instead screams into the pretty red circular pillow Robert got them when they moved in together.

"Why? Why?!" she yells angrily. "Why am I being punished for not being pregnant? Can't we just be tapped on the shoulder and told that we're not gonna pop a kid out in eight months and that be that?! We do we have to suffer for a week of hell?!" she yells angrily. Her head pops up again. "You two grew up with Catherine and a bucket load of sisters, why don't you know what to do?! Both of you?!" she growls. Sebastian's eyes grow again. Francis snickers.

You see, although the girlfriends of the Valois half brothers are synced up because of their living together, Mary and Kenna were very different in these horrid days. Kenna was an angry bleeder, who hated everything and everybody with the worst mood swings in the entire freaking world. She tended to cry at the drop of a hat and put away pints of ice cream and crisps in one sitting, stuff paracetamols into her mouth at the earliest possible time. Often taking her anger out on the two brothers if they had the audacity to even look at her as she bled. 

Mary, on the other hand, was a sleepy bleeder. She almost seemed childlike in a way. Granted, she could cry with Kenna at the least little thing -once, she cried because there was no more chocolate in the fridge when Bash had forgotten the girls' provisions in the bi-weekly shop- but the heir to the Stuart dynasty was quite content to drink pints and pints of green tea and eat salty junk food with her perfect blonde beau. She insisted on cuddles and blankets with Francis -preferably, although Sterling or a warm lavender teddy bear did the trick- and watch days and days worth of vintage shows she watched as a young teenager. But Disney movies were fun, as well. Her and Francis could spend eight hours at a time cuddled up on the sofa in huddles of blankets, eating junk whilst cuddled up. Besides, there was nothing better than waking up warm and safe in your boyfriends' arms with Beauty and the Beast in the background.

"Do you see this freaking body? Why would I ruin it for a baby? Fucking uterus." Kenna growls at her swollen stomach. Bash snickers, his eyes widening as Kenna glares at him again.

"Uh-" he stutters. "I'll finish your chocolate strawberries, yeah? Then I'll go to the shop and get you some more stuff, huh? How about some more bubble bath and ice cream? And chocolate, obviously." he quickly backs away, leaving Francis to deal with the two bleeding heathens who needed a constant stream of chocolate and painkillers. Well, Mary wasn't all that bad, but he supposed he should thank Francis for being her designated teddy bear. He stifled her clinginess and tears. If he wasn't there for whatever reason, the girls made his life a living hell.

She pouts, sniffling again. "Rose and wildflower. And strawberry with the little chocolate pieces in it." she says, rubbing her sore tummy. "Mary?" she asks softly, looking at her fellow sufferer, who looked well on her way to falling into another rap.

"Lilac and jasmine." she says softly. "And raspberry and dark chocolate, please." she says, nuzzling into Francis' neck. Bash smirked at the goofy grin and blush upon Francis' cheeks. Her voice is soft and sleepy. The brothers suppose they have the chamomile tea to thank for only having to deal with one bleeding woman at a time.

"I fucking hate being a girl." Kenna groans suddenly, hissing as another cramp hit her. "Bash!" she calls, as he returns with a plate full of chocolate covered berries. "Get us some more salted crisps. And every fucker else that has too much salt or sugar. We fucking need it." she says.

Mary makes a soft sound of agreement.

"Fair enough, alright." he chuckles, passing her the plate. Kenna eagerly digs in. 

"And as much paracetamol as you can get your hands on without looking like an addict. We're dying here." Kenna says sharply.

He snickers. "Anything else?"

"Chocolate. And more chocolate." she says, blinking owlishly as Sebastian stays where he is. "And if you don't leave within the next five seconds, I'll-"

But she doesn't get to finish her statement. Because Bash is already gone.

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