159 - Peace

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"Good morning, your Majesty," a voice said the next morning. Mary sighed blissfully, letting her eyes flutter open, meeting the smiling face of one of the nurses. "It's your birthday," she whispered. Mary beamed back at her, sitting up in bed, the warm blankets falling from her torso and pooling at her waist. She saw her three wolves curled up near her, her youngest starting to stir at the quiet noises. Looking around, she saw the Valois children still sleeping away in their beds.

"Come, your Majesty," the nurse smiled, pulling the blankets from the childs' body and lifting her up from the bed. Mary rubbed her eyes and nuzzled into the kind woman's neck, yawning -adorably, in Anne's opinion- quietly, and looking nothing like the powerful Queen she was, looking simply like a sleepy little girl. Anne passed her a goblet of a hot, sweet liquid and took her over towards the bathing chamber, followed by her eldest wolf, letting the child drink as she gathered her clothing from her wardrobe and placed her in the warm water.

Once bathed, Mary was put in a silk slip and had a corset loosely tied around her waist, before being pulled into a pair of silk hose and a chemise and girdle, before what felt like hundreds of layers of underskirts. An impressive off white silk gown was pulled onto her body. It had comfortably tight sleeves and bodice, before flaring out at the waist and falling into a long train. Mary smiled softly, running her fingers over the soft material, before being pulled into a sheer overdress that was light and covered in lace embellishments that sparkled in the dim candlelight.

Her nurse brought her into the room, placing her in the smaller dressing room that was conjoined, Mary smiling as Francis' nurse had issues with waking the stubborn boy up. She was sat down at the dressing table, her nurse drying her hair quickly and brushing it until it was straight and as long as her lower back. Smiling softly, Mary let her fasten her tall gold crown that sparkled with large diamonds and intricate designs, before assisting her help put her satin court heels on her dainty feet. By the time Anne was fastening her large, thick, heavy and intricate gold necklace with intricate patterns that sparkled with diamonds and small pears, Francis and his sisters were awake and wining as they were dressed. Mary giggled at Francis' reflection as his nurse brushed through his unruly curls and fixed his intricate clothes. Long and matching chandelier earrings were attached to the young Queen's ears, before loading the young Queen's fingers with rings and fixing her hair. And adding a veil, upon the Queen Consort of France's inistance.

Mary had her makeup done slowly, her face made imperfection less by a layer of pale foundation and powder, small darker lines running across her cheekbones and either side of her nose, a little bit of sparkle in the middle of her nose, on her cupids' bow, on top of her lip and on her chin, before a small line of black was placed around her eyes and small flicks were on either side. Gold and brown were placed on her eyelids, making her eyes pop and look more intricate, before her mouth was made a dark rose.

Mary was helped to her feet and held the leash of her youngest wolf, who was obediently standing next to her, the other two keeping close guard. They walked into the large room and saw that the Valois children were dressed and were having their finishing touches done. Claude had little roses manoeuvred into her orange tight curls, little Elisabeth standing straight for her crown to be put on, and Francis standing still for his livery collar to be fixed. Mary breathed a smile.

"My lady!" Francis smiled, remembering the names he should call her whenever they weren't alone. "You look pretty!" he complimented.

"Thank you, dauphin," Mary giggled. The two shared a secretive smile and grinned mischievously at each other until Francis walked down to the breakfast hall with his pretty fiancee on his arm.


Hope you liked the quick little tiny Frary fluff! This is quite heavily inspired by my pride and joy, serpent eyes and the black onyx, so if anybody hasn't read those two (I've got the triquel in the works too) please go do!

Just a couple things, I've posted the first part of The One Winged Raven and it's up and ready on my profile if anybody wants to brave some modern Frary horror. I'm really curious to see what people think of it, so please go over there and show it some love. I'm not really sure of the updating schedule yet, I have another part written and ready to go, but I don't wanna post until I have some plot niggles sorted out. But, until I get everything ready for it, enjoy and show it some love!

Next, I'm kinda in s3 Francis' position right now. Recently, I got a pretty bad ear infection so I'm probably not gonna be updating as much as usual until I get healed up. I'm not dying or anything, but I've got it kinda bad, so leave some love in the comments please! And, as always, requests are still being steadily planned and written, but it'll take quite a bit of time to get stuff out, especially now that I've got pretty bad pain in my ear and some dizziness. Don't worry, I'm gonna be fine, just letting you all know what's going on in my world in case I have to take a break for a week or two.




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